That would make it a test of telepathy, not remote viewing. The principle of remote viewing is that the subject is able to observe some physical location or object from a distance without hir (or even anyone) having ever actually been there and seen it, and then describe or draw it in a precise enough manner to be useful (i.e. someone else could recognize it from the description). The moment that another party is aware of the target's appearance, the possibility exists that the subject is actually reading this person's mind, which is a different, though no less impressive, technique and has different applications.
It would still be an interesting idea, though, and I would like to try it, but we should also do a separate, more regulated remote viewing experiment.
Perhaps have moderators announce the name and coordinates of a location accessible to them but which they have never actually seen (yet they know it will have interesting things to look at). Then receive people's descriptions of it. Then go see it and compare(?) |