Correction: you can't write a first draft that short.
Good rule of thumb: a second draft should reduce your total word count by a third, unless you're writing very, very tightly from the get-go—and in a breakneck race like NaNoWriMo, trust me, you're not writing as tightly as you think.
And honestly, man, most books are too goddam long. You know it to be true. I know mine is: I'd originally planned to tell this story in 88 pages of comics, a VERTIGO POP! style thing, but I let it get toaslly away from me...
Now, to keep it to 50k (and more importantly, to hit the deadline) I'm not just trimming the fat—having wasted many many many of my alloted words on atmosphere and wit, I'm actually omitting great chunks of muscle. Indeed, as I get nearer the deadline the later chapters are starting to read more like a plot synopsis—downright skeletal.
I think my thing is that I got so immersed in this fictional world I was creating that I wanted to wring every drop of experience from it before leaving. It's totally self-indulgent, yeah, but I think it's a necessary self-indulgence at this point.
After tomorrow I'm going to go back and put back in all the stuff I left out in the interest of, y'know, finishing by the end of November: I figure by February or so I'll end up with a big baggy, flabby mess of 150,000 words or so, which I'll set aside for the Spring and spend the Summer knocking back to a lean, humming 90k.
Because I like it that much. |