Over the past few years my personal space has become redefined as "me and my Powerbook". I don't really have personal areas any more. My physical bodyspace and virtual space is it. I've become more sensitive to people being too close, getting in my way etc, and I'm very sensitive to people fucking with my computer since that constitutes a dwelling-place for me, but as for actual living environments, I'm happy whether I'm in a hotel room or a mansion. As long as I have the freedom to move around so that one particular place doesn't become too oppressive - say, go to a coffee shop with my Powerbook, or sit by the river.
I do quite like having non-Power books around though. And plants. My shed would probably therefore have a desk, a wireless router, a mouse, bookshelves, a comfy chair, and lots of plants - hanging baskets, rubber plants, window boxes, ivy up the walls. And big windows, ideally with an ever-changing view... can I put my shed on an airship?
Oh, and a minibar. |