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Miss Barbelith 2004

Mourne Kransky
13:28 / 22.10.04
With the Alternative Miss World Contest going down tonight and inspired by the lovely Sandra Bullock in Miss Congeniality, I have been fantasising about that glorious and imaginary catwalk display that would be MISS BARBELITH!

What are you wearing? What is your party trick for the "talent" round?

MC Xoc is wearing the gorilla costume Marlene Dietrich wore in Blonde Venus. He scowls at each contestant in turn and barks the question. "What is your ambition, apart from ****ing World Peace?"

It's all a fix and Miss Sax is going to win but just ignore that.

I see a titianesque Miss Haus storming onstage in his Nazi Snobtroll boots, swirling a weighty fur cloak (made from the skins of flayed trolls) like Naomi Campbell in the anti-fur ad. His ambition is to make little children cry. His talent is gut-barging. The audience is a bit scared but impressed.

Miss Anna de Logardière is on next but misses her turn because she can't choose which of the forty something pairs of shoes she brought with her she should wear.

Miss Bear is on next, sheathed in neon-coloured lycra. His ambition is to chokeslam Solitaire Rose and his talent is doing air guitar to Iron Maiden tunes but he is quickly gonged off.

Miss Bengali follows, wearing the uniform of the Brighton Bi Club (morning coat, top hat and a lollipop, think Sally Bowles on the Graham Norton Show). Her ambition is teach the world to knit and her talent is Morrissey-dancing in those unfeasibly tall platforms.

Miss Lady Of The Flowers misses his turn because he's fighting with Miss Lurid Archive over the Deep Purple nail varnish backstage.

Whilst we await the entreé of Miss Benfox, wearing prison issue orange and lugging a great Smeg fridge behind him, in which parts of Steve are now kept, let's take a look at some of the other contestants.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
13:46 / 22.10.04
Ahem. I think you'll find that the (fingerquotes) deep purple (fingerquotes) nail polish is actually Plague, by Urban Decay. And it's mine.

"Deep Purple" muttermuttermutter.
18:40 / 22.10.04
Fix my ass. Where's my goddam lawyer?
18:44 / 22.10.04
Fix my ass.

Well you know what they say Sax, if it ain't broke ...
18:48 / 22.10.04
You know, for a good few minutes there I really did think of typing "but it is broke, it's got a crack in it".

So glad I refrained.
18:54 / 22.10.04
You should've posted that. I would have laughed, but then anything to do with bottoms is funny in my opinion. I mean ... bottoms.
19:05 / 22.10.04
Anyway, my outfit.

Sax is wearing a creation of his own design, which he calls "Northern (R)Soul". The mud on his hobnailed boots has been sourced directly from the Manchester Ship Canal and dried on to the footwear on the hotplate of a working steam engine on the Keighley-Worth Valley Railway.

How clever! Sax still wears Calvin Klein underwear! A ripple of applause goes through the first three rows and Sax tips them a knowing - nay, cheeky - wink.

Zipped up to his chin is an "Australian" tracksuit top, bought in 1986 and in that strange blue-green colour you don't see any more. The Kangaroo logo is highly prominent.

Sax has rubbed his face with coal-dust and topped the whole ensemble off with a knotted handkerchief.

Men are weeping and women are looking hungry. Somewhere far away, an old lady dies happy and a baby stops crying, suddenly content.

Who can beat Sax now?
19:32 / 22.10.04
Miss Loomis is confident in this round, her favourite leg of the tournament. Did I say "leg"? Viewers will note that Miss Loomis' legs are always on the tips of the judges' tongues at any high-profile event, and the expectations surrounding this year's event will not go unfulfilled.

Those famous legs are tonight restrained by white fishnets ... up to a point. A delectable point, a barrier, a no man's land of pink, quivering flesh that separates the upper thigh terminus of the stocking and the shorty shorts begging to cover the dancer's buttocks she showed off to great reviews in the previous round.

Miss Loomis pauses mid-stride. Is it to draw attention to the cut of her white jacket, it's tails dangling behind her stocking-tops? Is it to readjust the uncomfortable-looking bike shorts? She resumes her march before we have a chance to answer that question, and that momentary loss of momentum may be enough to lose her the top place this year.

Perhaps her cockiness has been her undoing, and we wait to see who will follow, who might unseat her with the confidence and assurance of a true champion ...
Mourne Kransky
01:56 / 23.10.04
Have to break it to you, Lovely Boyz, that Miss Song-Birds-in-the-Morning (she had songbirds trapped in gilded cages X3 as she processed across the stage and nobody could communicate but me) won and Miss Nigeria (nipples of Steel, got our votes) came second. I'm thinking Sax still but I've actually met Loomis and still think he's a major shag...

What a wonderful night, be another five or six till the next! So fabulous and so Barbelicious... But, we're moving onwards, we're exulting in downward Catastrophe Waitress...

Oh, such a good night. So, come on all you Barbelith juniors and neophytes; tell us how much unexpectional fun you are!
Mourne Kransky
02:34 / 23.10.04
Russians everywhere tonight Gde? Kogda? What the fuck? Still Brian Eno, Sian Philips, Grayson Perry And Patricia Quinn (Lady Stephens, melting into her chair) did the voting, shit!

I would have voted for the black man in the gold lamé: shorts with the big tits.
Whisky Priestess
11:14 / 23.10.04
This just in: Miss Xoc's diamante crown in jeopardy as judges demand tests for banned substances ...
Mourne Kransky
12:09 / 23.10.04
Ahem, must stop posting whilst very drunk and in love with the world. Posts above refer to The Alternative Miss World contest last night, won by a Russian, apparently. Sadly, I can't remember much of it now.

Miss Xoc will now retire to his dressing room for emergency rehydration.
01:45 / 24.10.04
As the veteran competitors look to each other for competition, the unkown and unseen Miss Meludreen lurks is the corner watching.

Something is wrong!

The costumes for the PirateOrNinjawear round have been mixed up! There are confrontational grumblings over alliegences, Miss Stoatie being particulary vehment of her bucanner affiliations. Tempers rise. There is a little shoving. All around, people are getting called on their shit.

Moods diffuse, but just as the situation seems set to collapse into huggles, a "carelessly discarded" envelope is discovered, bearing the legend: "What up, dork elite? PICS"

Pandemonium erupts!

Amidst the flying nails and hair, Miss Meludreen takes her cue. Straightening her exlusive "House of Rian" Pink Grenade print stockings, flashing her pearly white teeth and strangely hypnotic eyebrows, she sets out to melt the judges and claim the tiara.

But not everybody is ignorant to her scheming machinations...
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