No WONDER we get on so well... I love the Pisces. As I have said, Pisces women always seem to be insane, but in absolutely THE best way. And that would certainly fit you, miss delicious. 
Am I like my star sign? Je pense que oui. Certainly my favorite color is red, I am loud and impulsive, I don't care about shoes but I love a good haircut and a fun hat, attention-hound, always the last to leave the party, etc. - sometimes stereotypical Aries.
But I believe it is my Gemini moon that makes such a chatty cathy, and my Libra rising sign that allows that to be almost charming at times. 
I don't know how much stock I put into astrology. I know a LOT about it, but I guess I look at it as a weather report. These are kind of the conditions you have but do with them what you will... |