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Assisted Showers - Are They Morally Acceptable ?

Alex's Grandma
03:54 / 22.10.04
I find myself lost in a world of increasing ethical chaos, the signals are scrambled, the camel's packed up, and there is no way home. So crawling across the desert that we call reality,I find myself wondering about assisted showers.

So this is thread for discussing that subject.
Lilly Nowhere Late
05:43 / 22.10.04
Would the camel be dong the assisting?
Alex's Grandma
07:13 / 22.10.04
07:37 / 22.10.04
The degree of moral acceptability is directly proportional to the number of humps.
Alex's Grandma
08:29 / 22.10.04
Doom doom doo-oom, doom da- da- doo-om, dooom doom. doom doom !

I'll get me coat
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:39 / 22.10.04
What is this thread about? Is it about old men who can't shower on their own and so persuade young women - possibly with tattoos - to be at their beck and call?
Alex's Grandma
08:43 / 22.10.04
It's appalling to think thst one of the great minds of our generation has been reduced to this level of tawdry bollocks.

Jay Deringpole, where the hell are you when the universe neeeds you ? I mean, man, y'know, really.

You could save everyone, Junior Davidovitch, and yet you choose not to.

It's a bit slack man, honestly.
Alex's Grandma
08:51 / 22.10.04

What this thread is mainly to do with is gin.
Haus of Mystery
10:18 / 22.10.04
Gin makes a man mean. Remember.
10:35 / 22.10.04
Lets booze up and riot
10:42 / 22.10.04
Let's ruin our mothers.
10:43 / 22.10.04
As long as the camel doesn't drink the whole fucking shower (and the gin), I see no problem.
10:47 / 22.10.04
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:52 / 22.10.04
It's not a real camel. It's a woman with her head shaved at the sides but long on top, wearing a synthetic hump. It doesn't have to be a woman though, it could be a pretty young boy. The point is, should this person be helping Alex scrub those hard to reach places?
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:08 / 22.10.04


Haus of Mystery
11:17 / 22.10.04
And more importantly

11:27 / 22.10.04
Isn't "assisted showers" where you get someone to hold your willy while you wee on someone else? I'm sure that was on Channel 4.
11:30 / 22.10.04
You know what I really like? Looking at pics threads with "load pictures" turned off. It's like concrete poetry...

I feel drippy and ill, which may make me an assisted shower. Although possibly not in the way described above.
14:03 / 22.10.04
I'm sure the late unlamented Lynda Lee-Potter would have thought "assisted shower" meant the billions and billions of people living on benefits and spending YOUR TAXES on drugs. And getting people to hold their willies.
16:22 / 22.10.04

17:42 / 22.10.04

18:38 / 22.10.04
Don't come the old pawn-chopstick-tellycoal-Law with me, pal.
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