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03:14 / 16.10.04
03:16 / 16.10.04
I mean about the janitors.
09:11 / 16.10.04
You mean like The King Kanute Crowd?

Hah. Well, I didn't assume it was an entirely original concept, and in my own defense I've never read Alec or much else of Campbell's solo oeuvre, so I didn't rip it off of him, either. The point being that it would have been a memoir of MY college experience, and the use of specific mythological figures was dependent on their real life analogues, such as an ex who would have been Persephone (not YOU, Persephone) and a retired, now deceased professor who would have been Coyote (since he was nicknamed Coyote in reality).

8===>Q: alyn
10:04 / 16.10.04
I was stretching the point there, Vlad--I just like to bring up Eddie Campbell whenever possible.

Now bring me some babies to eat or I'll send a plague of cockroaches.
8===>Q: alyn
23:04 / 16.10.04
They knew me so well:

Here used to be
A high idol with many fights,
Which was named the Qromm Qruaich;
It made every tribe to be without peace.

'T was a sad evil!
Brave Gaels used to worship it.
From it they would not without tribute ask
To be satisfied as to their portion of the hard world

He was their god the withered Qromm with many mists,
The people whom he shook over every host,
The everlasting kingdom they shall not have.

To him without glory
They would kill their piteous, wretched offspring
With much wailing and peril,
To pour their blood around Qromm Qruaich.

Milk and Corn
They would ask from him speedily,
In return for one third of their healthy issue,
Great was the horror and scare of him.

To him noble Gaels would prostrate themselves,
From the worship of him with many man-slaughters,
The plain is called "Mag Slecht".

They did evil,
They did beat their palms,
They pounded their bodies,
Wailing to the demon who enslaved them.

Around Qromm Qruaich,
The hosts would prostrate themselves,
Though he put them under deadly disgrace,
Their name clings to the noble plain.

In their ranks (stood),
Four times three stone idols,
To bitterly beguile the hosts,
The figure of the Qromm was made of gold.

Since the rule of Herimon,
The noble man of grace,
There was worshipping of stones,
Until the coming of the good Patrick of Macha.

A sledge hammer he applied to the Qromm,
He applied from crown to sole,
He destroyed without lack of valour,
Rhe feeble idol which was there.


There came Tigernmas prince of Tara yonder,
On Halloween with many hosts,
A cause of grief to them was the deed.

Dead were the men of Banba's host without happy strength,
Around Tigernmas, the destructive man of the North,
From the worship of Qromm Qruaich,
It was no luck to them.

For I have learnt,
Except one fourth of the keen Gaels,
Not a man alive lasting the snare!
Escaped without death in his mouth.
00:10 / 17.10.04
Inchaote: There actually is a 'lither with the name Janus already...but he probably just named his suit after you.
Mourne Kransky
01:05 / 17.10.04
Hanabius, Ganesh says I dson'tr qualify for The Great God Pan, although I appreciate the thought. He says Mr Tumnus is as far as I'd get in the satyr stakes.

Instead, I shall claim Xipe Totec, Aztec god of spring.

He customarily wore the skin of a human victim. His statues and stone masks always showed him wearing a freshly flayed skin (his name means Our Lord the Flayed One).

During the ritual month of Tlacaxipehualiztli (Flaying of Men), the priests killed human victims by removing their hearts. They flayed the bodies and put on the skins, which were dyed yellow and called teocuitlaquemitl ("golden clothes"). Other victims were fastened to a frame and put to death by arrows; their blood dripping down was believed to symbolize the fertile spring rains.

Sounds like my kind of guy.
Baz Auckland
01:40 / 17.10.04
A pic of Xipe Totec

...I always liked the statues of him... in the museums in Mexico you can always tell who it is from the two sets of mouths, cleverly showing his 'real' head underneath the suit of skin...
02:09 / 17.10.04
I like that the skinsuit's hands are still attached at the sleeves, like a child's mittens. But with fingers.

So like gloves, but mittens is a more affecting image, I think.
Alex's Grandma
05:19 / 17.10.04
I know *things* that would turn everyone's hair white.
13:18 / 17.10.04
You're the god of peroxide?
13:51 / 17.10.04
Persephone, I know you are already a goddess, but I want to re-deify you. I really think you would make an excellent Saraswati. Actually, it is a toss up between you and Deva. I know in buddhism there can be many emanatoins of one particular, work it out, flip a coin...or maybe one of you could be Durga. Deva, maybe?

Xoc, while am on the hindu pantheon (and apparently you too :P ), how about Krishna, for your deification? Then again, that would suit Our Lady a whole lot...wouldn't it?

You people make such fine divine beings.
14:21 / 17.10.04
Let me clarify:

I know in buddhism there can be many emanatoins of one particular deity...

That is Tibetan Buddhism and I think also in Hinduism.
15:33 / 17.10.04
In some circles I am known as The God Of Swearing.

And this is my song:

Swear, swear, wherever you may be
I am the God of obscenity
And I'll swear at any cunt that swears at me
I'm the fucking God of obscenity

It was much funnier when I was tripping. And twelve years younger. Honest.
the Fool
03:14 / 18.10.04
I'd like to be Vulcan 'causes he's all burly and makes stuff!
13:56 / 18.10.04
I wouldn't be a god, I'd be a legend from Southern Appalachia, or perhaps a mythical beast, probably a snallygaster.

If I had to be a god, I'd be Ivander, the god who brought Greek culture to the Romans.
13:59 / 18.10.04

Is there a god of minor emendations?
14:44 / 18.10.04
No, no...Haus, if you seemed a little more rugged to me, I would say you would be an Odin, but his image isn't quite how I picture you. I am thinking you'd be more like the Sumerian god Enki

He's the guy on the left. I'm not too sure if the beard is you though.
15:39 / 18.10.04
Barbelillith LOOK at that picture, there's no wonder David Icke is like he is. Those beings just fed and fed him 'till he could take no more and his head was all mangly on the floor and his mind was all dangly and raw.

Actually that reminds me of Jack Frost when he went through to the other side and turned into that snake thing in series 3 of youknowwhatandifyoudontyoureallyshoulddo.
19:43 / 18.10.04
Is there a god of minor emendations?

Even if there were, your tirelessness would have made him quit ages ago. And possibly blow his brains out.
19:52 / 18.10.04
If it helps, I hate myself.
19:55 / 18.10.04
Well, huggles for that. Stop it.
21:01 / 18.10.04
Haus, you are prickly but lovable, much like a baby hedgehog. Don't hate yourself.

Zayahung Yihe Zahasha The wise hedgehog god was the creator deity - The Buirat, Mongol, Siberia.

I know nothing else of this deity. Does anyone?
8===>Q: alyn
21:13 / 18.10.04
Is there a god of minor emendations?

Maybe that guy from Dragonlance who wrote everything down?
Whisky Priestess
21:58 / 18.10.04
Right, I'm going to exercise my prerogative of changing my mind and bagsy Prometheus. Not a god, but hear me out:

I bring knowledge (and the divine fire*) to mankind, and the gods punish me by destroying my liver!

Do you see? Do you?

*fags, obviously
00:05 / 19.10.04
*fags, obviously

You sure it's not whisky? I find that slow burn quite divine.

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