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The Annotated Barbelith

Ethan Hawke
10:42 / 13.10.04
From the what will hopefully become The Further Adventures of Steve thread,

Sax writres:

No, like Alan Bates and Oliver Reed. With Ben taking the pictures.

Now, I've got no idea what this means. I think Oliver Reed might have been the dad on the Brady Bunch and I'm pretty sure Alan Bates was the guy from that American Psychotic movie, but is it really fair to make a busy guy like me do a google search, when Sax could simply add in hyperlinks to pictures, movie files, or other supplementary materials so that knowledge could be spread. Sax, what's your fucking problem?

In the future, I would like to see each post on barbelith chock full of helpful links, instead of merely being unsupported blather. If that won't happen, I would like to appoint a crew of "annotators" that are much like moderators, but with a wider remit - with a warrant to add in hyperlinks wherever warranted. I warrant that this will immensely improve the tenor of conversation here at Barbelith.
10:56 / 13.10.04
its a a reference to a scene from this film version of D. H. Lawrence's story Women in Love.
11:15 / 13.10.04
My problem? My fucking problem? I'll tell you what my fucking problem is. Kids today. Want everything on a plate. Can't be arsed to open up another window on the internet and tap in a few words. Is it any wonder the country's going to hell in a handcart? Can it possibly be a surprise to us that A-Level candidates can now take set texts into their exams with them? Do you think Ernest fucking Hemingway, 'pon hearing about the St Fermin Fiesta in Northern Spain, pouted and said that if only someone would just give him more information he might be a bit better off, and wouldn't have to actually go out there and run with fucking bulls, for God's sakes.

But, anyway. Like Sleazenation said.
11:19 / 13.10.04
And why didn't MacGuyver get pulled up for mentioning "The Avengers" without a link? Which Avengers? Marvel's Avengers? Steed's Avengers? The Lesbian Avengers?

Or is it a given that we all know about some kids' comic, but DH Lawrence is perhaps a step too far for us?
11:21 / 13.10.04
AND, while my gander's up, I'm expected to know who the fuck the Brady Bunch are, am I? Why is that?
bio k9
11:26 / 13.10.04
11:40 / 13.10.04
Sax, you are Bob Geldof, and I claim my fockin' money.

(Guy who organised Live Aid, fuckwits.)
Whisky Priestess
11:43 / 13.10.04
Ah, the old "common knowledge" minefield ... Maybe if people want to know more about a given reference but don't have time to find out, just post "Annotate: (word/phrase)" in the thread and a kindly moderator might grant your wish? I'd do it ...
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:47 / 13.10.04
Ganesh, are you calling Sax a farcical reactionary joke?
Ethan Hawke
11:50 / 13.10.04

See, I was sort of being facetious. I guess I should have done an example earlier, to go along with my "suppositions", like:

No, like Alan Bates and Oliver Reed. With Ben taking the pictures.

I guess I will go play in my own little world where my sense of humor is apparent to everyone.
11:51 / 13.10.04
More of a grumpy old bastard who we stop listening to midway through the first sentence and skip to the end of the paragraph to avoid.

Either that or I'm calling him the guy who organised Live Aid. Fuckwits.
Ethan Hawke
11:53 / 13.10.04
It's my fault, really.
11:55 / 13.10.04
Don't you mean Live Aid?

And I'm not a grumpy old bastard. Well, maybe.

And Papi, everyone knows you were being humorous.
11:56 / 13.10.04
Maybe if people want to know more about a given reference but don't have time to find out, just post "Annotate: (word/phrase)" in the thread and a kindly moderator might grant your wish? I'd do it ...

Or, alternatively, pop (word/phrase) into Google, and set sail on seas of boundless, dizzying learning.
11:58 / 13.10.04
Now I say that, and I'm a grumpy bastard.
Ethan Hawke
12:00 / 13.10.04
WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THAT GANESH - and think of all the WRONG information that you could come across.

Seriously, though - as much as I'm joking about this, it seems the hyperlink has become an extinct species, in a lot of ways. The only website, in my estimation, to consistently use the hyperlink in creative and informative ways was
12:14 / 13.10.04

(And other jokeynotreallyshoutiness.)

I think people do use hyperlink - just not to explain things they don't feel they need to explain. If Sax reminds me of Geldof (which is a bad comparison really, since Sax is famously incapable of grumpiness), I generally don't feel a great compulsion to spell out my thought processes for those not privy to recent UK television.

So bleh.
12:34 / 13.10.04
At one time, I wanted to write a novel in bulletin board format. Like the final objet would be a board with fora and threads, like, oh, this. But you could open it up anywhere, and you'd have to piece together the story and the characters from there. And there would be hypertext galore.
12:37 / 13.10.04
There would be timestamps and stuff; so if you wanted to, you could trace back to when I started using the word objet & why I can't stop.
Haus of Mystery
13:57 / 13.10.04
"And why didn't MacGuyver get pulled up for mentioning "The Avengers" without a link?"

Yo Tuba! Spell it right.
Ain't no goddamn U!
14:03 / 13.10.04
So you don't you mean MacGyver then?
14:20 / 13.10.04
Finn, Finn, Finn, Finn, writing sites, if you know of any.
14:21 / 13.10.04
Even in a thread filled with random bobbins, that's just too far.
Ethan Hawke
14:26 / 13.10.04
See, the proper way to hyperlink that would be MacGyver.
14:26 / 13.10.04
I actually wanted to hyperlink every word, but I was worried somebody would beat me to the joke while I was posting.
Ethan Hawke
14:27 / 13.10.04
God I love dwight.
15:02 / 13.10.04
The feeling is mutual baby.
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