From the what will hopefully become The Further Adventures of Steve thread,
Sax writres:
No, like Alan Bates and Oliver Reed. With Ben taking the pictures.
Now, I've got no idea what this means. I think Oliver Reed might have been the dad on the Brady Bunch and I'm pretty sure Alan Bates was the guy from that American Psychotic movie, but is it really fair to make a busy guy like me do a google search, when Sax could simply add in hyperlinks to pictures, movie files, or other supplementary materials so that knowledge could be spread. Sax, what's your fucking problem?
In the future, I would like to see each post on barbelith chock full of helpful links, instead of merely being unsupported blather. If that won't happen, I would like to appoint a crew of "annotators" that are much like moderators, but with a wider remit - with a warrant to add in hyperlinks wherever warranted. I warrant that this will immensely improve the tenor of conversation here at Barbelith. |