Well, I moved recently(as of around July 23rd) from Birmingham, Alabama to Brooklyn, NY then, effective today, moved from Brooklyn, NY to a town about 40 miles east of Brooklyn in Jersey. I feel that this qualifies me at least in some small way to evaluate the whole radical change/moving thing.
Overall, I'd say my opinion is mixed. On the one hand, there is a whole lot more "stuff" in this area of the world. More people, more things to do, etc,etc.
However, life is not quite as, well, relaxed as it once was. Allow me to illustrate the difference by giving an "as brief as possible" synopisis of an average day back home in Birmingham.
Get up at around 8AM or so, go to work, zipping around the pathetic excuse for traffic with no difficulty. Get to work, have breakfast, grumble about not having that many calls and how I have to work this weekend. Leave at around six, go home, get a call from my smoking friend. He invites me over because he, as usual, overcooked and needs someone to help eat it before it rots. We smoke, eat, watch either some very bizzare art flick or something out of Hong Kong, I wobble my way home, post in my LJ and go to bed. Variations on this involve driving the one mile for a good veggie burger, going to the dharma center on Tuesdays, and grumbling about my incapability of finding a date.
Now, as this post is already running long, I won't do the same "day in the life" for my new life, let's just say there is no smoking, no boon companion, currently no bed, no dharma center, well, you get the idea.
But, there is lots of promise, so that's a start.
James |