Do you masturbate, fridge, my mignon?
I'll tell you something else about Sea Cliff. Actually, two things. One, there is no sewer. Everyone uses cesspools. A cesspool is a very deep hole filled with shit. The old-timey ones, like the two on my property, are lined with bricks ("ye olde brykes" as they were known in Victorian times) with loose stones at the bottom. The loose stones allow water to drain away into the topsoil or bottomsoil or whatever, leaving the nightsoil behind. Bacteria eat the nightsoil, leaving wads of tp and whatever other trash finds its way down there. The cesspool overflows if two much water gets into it, which makes your lawn smell like doody. What else? It's only about 18" wide. In my ignorance, I always pictured cesspools as, like, pools, but full of shit and underground (not unlike this forum). So this is not a problem for most residential houses, but at the coffee shop down the street they overflow the cesspool any time they run the dishwasher & the sink at the same time.
The second thing is that there is a volunteer fire department, and they don't just specialize in fires; they also attend car accidents. I dunno what they do there. But they are so rustic that they use a terrifying siren to alert each other that some incident has taken place requiring all volunteer firemen to suit up and take to the streets. It's a block from my bedroom window. Can't they get pagers? It goes off at all hours, I tell you. |