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11:28 / 11.10.04
John Keats obviously never spent an autumn in Scotland:

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;
To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees,
And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;
To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells
With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
And still more, later flowers for the bees,
Until they think warm days will never cease,
For Summer has o'er-brimm'd their clammy cells.

Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store?
Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find
Thee sitting careless on a granary floor,
Thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind;
Or on a half-reap'd furrow sound asleep,
Drows'd with the fume of poppies, while thy hook
Spares the next swath and all its twined flowers:
And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep
Steady thy laden head across a brook;
Or by a cyder-press, with patient look,
Thou watchest the last oozings hours by hours.

Where are the songs of Spring? Ay, where are they?
Think not of them, thou hast thy music too,--
While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day,
And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue;
Then in a wailful choir the small gnats mourn
Among the river sallows, borne aloft
Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies;
And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn;
Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft
The red-breast whistles from a garden-croft;
And gathering swallows twitter in the skies.

So, autumn is here. How does that make you feel? The air is cool, the multi-coloured leaves are blustering about the damp streets, the light has that autumnal texture about it. Things smell differently, and I love all of it. How about you? Do you welcome the proliferation of coats and scarves or do you mourn the depature of open-toed footwear? Do you in fact continue to wear flip-flops in contempt of common sense like a few hardy souls I've spotted shivering up and down the hills of Edinburgh?

What does autumn mean to you?
12:07 / 11.10.04

a maelstrom of earthy sensual delight. in rust. damp pornography in woods. that kind of thing.

usually. but i'm just out of the hospital with pneumonia, so i don't know what to make of it this year. its all staying indoors for me.
12:31 / 11.10.04
Bloody hell amethyst, sorry to hear that. But remember that being allowed to stay indoors guilt-free is one of the many delights of autumn.
12:41 / 11.10.04
I love the autumn, or, more accurately, am in love with a certain idea that is autumn. I grew up in the Devon countryside, so for me that idea is the autumn of my childhood; the autumn of wet bracken and muddy lanes, of rolling mists you can taste on the tongue and of blustering scents that linger in the air. It's an autumn of skeletal birch trees and soft leaf litter, of fast-paced rivers bloated with the wet earth, and of the rolling expanse of empty fields, echoing to the harsh calls of the rooks in the slumbering trees.

It's a beautifully transient state - but one that's frozen in time, like a man who has exhaled his last breath of air and knows death is next, but his brain is still active as the final bubbles of oxygen are used up and he descends into the long dark sleep.
Eloi Tsabaoth
12:42 / 11.10.04
Ah, autumn...

12:45 / 11.10.04
*sigh* Is it just me, or do all childhood memories read as sentimental, maudlin crap? Bah. Bloody autumn. Roll on dead winter, say I.
Lord Morgue
12:59 / 11.10.04
It's Spring over here, you poor sods.

Spring is sprung!
sprung is spriz
I wonder where the birdie is
some say the bird is on the wing
I say the wing is on the bird
14:11 / 11.10.04
Ahhh, I've always liked Autumn, both the consumption-in-waiting poem and the somewhat less golden-winnowy-harvest reality. Have to say, though, I'm preferring the gentler London version. Better conkers.

And it allows me to swish around in one of my selection of really great coats.
Pappa Cass
14:37 / 11.10.04
Well, this is my first autumn out of the deep southern US in a long, long time. There are some similarities, but there is, like almost everything else, a subtle difference in feel. It's like the pulse is just a touch different, the air is a little crisper now. I am quite happy I have an extensive collection of coats and am looking forward to some good climbing this year. Though I will admit I am somewhat missing some pumpkin and/or pecan pie right about now.

15:34 / 11.10.04
This is my first autumn in North Carolina, and god it's great. It came on so slow and gentle, just cooling off a bit at a time, the leaves have just started to turn, and the air is so crisp and clear. The sky is so god damned blue, with wispy little mare's tail clouds that make it look like marble.

In upstate NY, fall lasted about seven seconds. This lingering fall is a very fine thing.
15:40 / 11.10.04

How I long for a season other than the traditional four: Tourist, Mosquito, Hurricane, and Shopping.
Tryphena Absent
16:11 / 11.10.04
I love the weather at this time of year- grey sky, gale force wind, I think it's superbly romantic.
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