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RIP Christopher Reeve

haus of fraser
09:53 / 11.10.04
The archetypal superman for me and many others dies today
11:39 / 11.10.04

Synchrotastically, he looks like Lex Luthor in that pic.
Brigade du jour
15:59 / 11.10.04
Shit, that's exactly what I thought. And then felt really guilty about it.

Sigh, you know what really pisses me off about this story? Bernard Manning's still alive.

Sorry for the bitterness, I'm just going to go and watch Superman and cry for a bit like a big girl's blouse. Huggles to everyone.
The Prince of All Lies
16:55 / 11.10.04
I'm really me there are no bigger heroes than those who keep going when the easy thing would be to lie down and die.
Fly, big boy, fly..
17:48 / 11.10.04
"I'll get you, Hack-Man!"

Le sigh. I kinda freaked out when I heard the news, as it was completely unexpected. Alas...

miss wonderstarr
20:28 / 11.10.04
Yeah that is sad news. I was trading Superman: The Movie bubble-gum cards with their Star Wars counterparts back when it wasn't called Episode IV, and Reeve will, I have little doubt, always be my real-life template for the Man of Steel.
07:04 / 12.10.04
I posted this in the thread in Conversation on this topic, but because I hope this idea about the political ramifications of his death gets around, I'll put it here, too:

Miss Tessmacher, hold all my calls

He was a beautiful man, inside and out, and my heart is broken.

Jack The Bodiless
11:25 / 12.10.04
Why are all my heroes dying?! Am getting increasingly concerned for Mick Foley and Uncle Len...
13:43 / 12.10.04
Uncle Len cannot die! Uncle Len is life!

This is rotten, isn't it? But we should remember that, even though he didn't walk, he did regain a lot of feeling and some movement. That may not have been enough for him, but it is pretty impressive, and his legacy, in particular with regard to stem cell research, will hopefully contribute real value to other victims of paralysis.
14:03 / 12.10.04
Reeve was an inspiration, both in his role as Supes and in his struggle with his paralysis and activism for the cause. The fact that he improved as much as he did and regained even some small movement was called miraculous by many doctors.

Reeve's Superman was the archetypal Superman. His performance in those movies was just so spot on (yes, we all know the 3rd and 4th are shit, we can just pretty much pretend those didn't exist, and plus, those were the scripts' and directors' fault, not Reeve's, his was fine in them).
14:13 / 12.10.04
Also, his autobiography, STILL ME, is really excellent. Recommended.
12:38 / 13.10.04
No more BarbeLove for Christopher Reeve??
12:46 / 13.10.04
superman 3's not shit. richard pryor, robert wagner, the world's first bonafide supercomputer and a fucked-up robot.

i think even ed begley might be in it, as pete ross maybe?

anyway it's not shit.

no diss to the man intended, but i probably won't be this upset when dean cain pops it.
Liger Null
14:18 / 13.10.04
I saw some kind of Barbara Walters Special about this. I was disgusted by the over-emphasis on Reeve's suicidal feelings shortly after the accident.

Perhaps they are trying to drum up "controversy" by suggesting that his recent death was a suicide. If so, I find this sickening and disrespectful of Reeve's family and friends, yet typical somehow...
14:30 / 13.10.04
did anyone see the bit from just a month or few before the accident - he'd been playing a wheelchair-bound dude in some movie, and was giving an interview about the research he'd done for the role, how it'd make you feel were it ever to happen?

no? well, it was spooky.
16:42 / 13.10.04
I had been thinking about getting the Superman DVD in recent months; yesterday I bought it and Supes II on DVD. I bet many others do the same thing and sales spike.

I'm also going to make a donation to the Christopher Reeve foundation sometime soon (traffic on their site might be clogged for a few days).
13:15 / 18.10.04
I just watched Superman: The Movie again for the first time in a few years and it totally ROCKS. Plus, the DVD has about 7 minutes of new scenes/footage that were deleted from the final cut, and they're pretty much all good. A scene showing Jor-El's ghost/program talking to Kal-El in the fortress of solitude at greater length about the emotions of pride and vanity (since Clark/Kal-El is getting a real ego rush out of being idolized and looked up to by everyone after he establishes himself as a hero), a cute bit showing Lois Lane as a child catching a glimpse of young Clark running as fast as a train in Kansas, and a sequence showing the gauntlet of traps Lex Luthor has set up for Clark to prevent him from gaining entrance to Luthor's subway headquarters.

Good stuff. Man, Reeve is just brilliant in this. And the movie as a whole is so well-done and well-cast. The DVD also shows Reeve's screen test and the screen tests of many actress auditioning for Lois Lane, including Margo Kidder, of course.
19:16 / 19.10.04
Was this guy not somebody who pushed his mounts repeatedly, despite warnings of danger? Have I got him mixed up with somebody else?
19:35 / 19.10.04
Looked, haven't been able to find anything. I'll put it down as unsubstantiated gossip. RIP Mr. Reeve.
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