This may perhaps be why Lord Morgue never managed to hold onto the lab assistant's job...
OK, so.. trying to salvage something from this, one of the books on this list that caught my eye was Malory, which was challenged on the grounds that it was "junk". This is novel in itself, but also identifies one of the weaknesses of the site or, of you rather, one of its features.
Now, first up, what does "challenged" mean? Presumably, that means an official challenge was mounted by a parent or parents' association, or by a teacher. However, presumably such a formal challenge would require a lot more than the statement "this is junk". I read that as a literary judgement, which is what caught my eye in the first place - very few of these challenges are made on the grounds that a book is just shit - not even Stephen King's "The Stand" (sex). However, I guess it could mean that is "junk" in the sense of being highly addictive, or morally garbage. Who knows? We don't, because this site doesn't tell us. We are given links to buy the books, but not to more details of the complaints levelled against them.
Possibly this is because, as a librarian, the creator wants people to seek out the information themselves, but it relegates this to a humour site rather than a resource in many cases. Likewise, the creator of the site editorialises at will (explained, presumably, because this list is divided between books he has read and books the claims against which he finds amusing). So, the idiocy of the "junk" claim gets a gag, whereas attempts to ban To Kill a Mockingbird are reported without comment.
So, first up, do people have comments about the way this site treats books and attempts to ban them. More broadly, *is* there a case for banning certain books, either in the absolute sense or the more specific sense often used here of having them removed from school libraries? There are, presumably, some books that everyone might be happy with not being made easily available to tiny eyes... |