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What's Up Fluffy Kittens?

Our Lady Has Left the Building
10:57 / 08.10.04
Right, the everyone versus everyone else (but normally ending up as Haus) thread is boring and over, so we need a thread for reminding one another how spiffy they are.

First up, Stoatie, for his ability to walk in to a pub, think to himself 'this is the sort of pub my friends would drink in' and then meet friends he hasn't seen for years, as evidenced on Sunday. He's tops.

Hattie's Kitchen
12:18 / 08.10.04
I second the above, and I also heart Von Kobra, Lilly Nowhere, Bengali and Toksik for being fabulous in their own unique ways.
12:55 / 08.10.04
Lady, for starting the thread with me!!!

Keggers, for always popping up in the lateshift threads and being chirpy just as work's really getting me down (yeah, I know it's a geographical thing, so I'll add the fact that his Mages In Training cartoons rule also)...

Lord Morgue, for his wonderful blend of the geeky and the "fuck you!" when discussing Star Wars...

Baz Auckland and helmschmied for sending me a wicked picture of Biscuits (framed, no less) which arrived on a morning when I was feeling particularly shit...

And that Bush Loses... err... something or other... I forget the rest of the name... for hir commitment to Bush Losing.
13:08 / 08.10.04
Is this a Barbecrush thread or a general huggles thread?
13:14 / 08.10.04
Well, if you want to rip out your heart and nail it on the table as a token of your undying obsessiveness, I'm sure no-one will mind.
14:17 / 08.10.04
(*washes hands*)

I'm not the least bit obsessive, so no worries on that front.

(*checks oven to make sure it's off*)

No Barbecrushes then, but major huggles to Lepidopteran for being so helpful and lovely, and to everyone on the Black & Orange threads for the fun and inspiration.

(*washes hands*)

Also huggles to bitchiekitty and Nobody's girl for so frequently saying what I'm thinking, to Stoatie just cuz he deserves it, and to Lord Morque for making me laugh out loud at least once a day.

(*checks oven to make sure it's off*)

And to Sax, for being Sax.

(*washes hands*)

I heart Barbelith. Thanks for not kicking me out yet.

(*checks oven to make sure it's off*)
16:44 / 08.10.04
EVERYONE! I LOVE EVERYONE! Especially Haus for knowing how to perfectly blend hate and funny, fridgemagnet for his talent with animated gifs and the posting thereof, and of course we all gotta love Tom for bringing us all together!

Can we make a Tom Appreciation Day? Or atleast a thread?

p.s. - Gotta send some love to the lurkers out there! We know you're there, and you're awesome! Even if you are too boring and spineless to post your thoughts. (What? It's not like they're gonna say anything in response)
16:56 / 08.10.04
And that Bush Loses... err... something or other... I forget the rest of the name... for hir commitment to Bush Losing.
That would be the whole of the Bush Loses international hyperspatial collective and its small collection of sniper tapirs. We love you all, even if we get a bit sniffy at Haus and Flyboy's snippiness sometimes.
Lilly Nowhere Late
19:51 / 08.10.04
Well, I heart you all, especially Stoatie cos he's my neighbour and my friend(who needs to get his hair done), and especially Haus who I wish I could be some days and AnnaDL who is always appropriate.
I think I have a barbecrush on Hattie's Kitchen, teehee.
And I heartily heart all the people who reply to threads so it's never just zero.
O yeah and the ex-pats in Spain who will never get their hair done.
And Bill Posters who always has a nice face and asks about my family when I bump into him.
I could go on and on...
I feel the love!
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
20:10 / 08.10.04
You are all wonderful people. Really. I'm freakin' serious here.

But I hate naming names, 'cause people get left out. So if you all line up single file, I'll compliment you one by one on your hair, face, fingernails, posting style, grammatical expertise, or ability to juggle kittens and petroleum jelly at the same time (while keeping your hands clean! That's a neat trick, You!).
Grey Area
20:40 / 08.10.04
Big huggles to the crowd engaged in the current Mornington Crescent match in the Creation...reading it never fails to make me smile.
21:19 / 08.10.04
sniper tapir
21:23 / 08.10.04
I love you Fridge, can I use that for the blog? It's just beautiful.
21:25 / 08.10.04
Of course. I could put a Kerry sticker on his side too, though maybe that's overkill.
21:54 / 08.10.04
Nah, that would be bad. Under the dictionary definitions that apply in the US, the Bush Loses Blog is "nonpartisan". It is very clearly and blatantly partisan, but because of the utterly fucked narrow definiton of "nonpartisan" (not associated with a particular party) that so many US organisations use, we can get away with the nonpartisan label. Even though we clearly support Kerry and all his little wizards, all the hypergnomes at Bush Loses Central are certified nonpartisan. A Kerry sticker might shift our cheerleadin into not-nonpartisan-but-still-partisan territory. Let's use those fucked-up semantics properly, shall we?
22:04 / 08.10.04
A non-partisan sniper tapir it is, then.
unheimlich manoeuvre
22:32 / 08.10.04
fridge that is amazing.


general, slightly caffeine-crazed, huggles to all.
Lord Morgue
05:18 / 09.10.04
I huggles the tapir.
Mostly 'cause it can't shoot me at close range, but I huggles it anyways.
gotham island fae
05:35 / 09.10.04
I haven't been active much lately, but the lurking I've done regarding the NU Star Wars fiasco and others has made me imagine Lord Morgue as a great, cute, LUV-ly, fluffy and huggable kitten with three foot fangs that are likely to spear whatever undefended flaw one might have.

And that's what I've always LUV-ed about Barbelith.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
10:03 / 09.10.04
Pieangular huggles for Saveloy.
Goodness Gracious Meme
11:01 / 09.10.04
Everlasting huggles for flowers. For the starting of this, and just *because*
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
02:44 / 10.10.04
Spreading the love, spreading the love...

I have to admit that I get a big grin when I find a new post from BarbeLillith, bitchiekittie and Gingerbop because they make me break out in a big grin for knocking down the boy's club atmosphere.

And Bear is my tag-team partner, so it's all about the goodness.

EVERYONE in the comics forum are invited to my house for a reading of Essential Super-Villian Team-Up and cookies.

And yes, when Ganesh comes into a conversation, it does become more interesting. I have Barbe-envy about that.
Lord Morgue
07:38 / 11.10.04
I propose Barbelith adopt the Snipir as a mascot, to join Ace, M.O.D.O.K., and Chibi T-X.
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
14:55 / 11.10.04
Man, I love you guys even more than yesterday. Even if this thread is getting weird.
Eloi Tsabaoth
15:20 / 11.10.04
You're all as sweet as a selection of pies, fresh from the oven.Deep within your tender crusts some of you are meaty with a rich gravy, and some are fruity and subtly spicy. All hot.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
15:52 / 11.10.04
Big fluffy sex kittens to GGM for forcing me to think, helping me to laugh and hugging me when I wanted to cry.
16:16 / 11.10.04
So what is up fluffy kittens? At this time of year, probably fireworks.
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