Whenever Ganesh and I would visit Hanabius and cub we would have fun, when he nipped to the toilet, by moving one of his carefully placed CDs just a fraction of an inch out of place and wait to see how long it would be before he'd have to push it back into place. Never took more than a minute.
But he's scarily tidy. I am not. At the moment I can see Ganesh's socks from yesterday sitting beside the computer. Suitcase from the weekend trip to the Highlands is still sitting in front of the fireplace, untouched and full, 5 days after dumping it there when we got in.
There are, count 'em, 7 different piles of unsorted magazines and unopened mail etc. dotted around just this one room.
Every surface has the detritus of everyday life cluttering it up and one cat pretending to sun herself beside me, perilously close to half a packet of almonds, opened several day ago, and an open can of Diet Coke.
I brought a pile of single socks through, some weeks ago now, to sort them into happily married sock couples, and they're still there, on the chair I left them on. Before I go to work, I just find myself a pair from the pile. It's the new black... With several leather garments now thrown on top, from getting home too drunk to put them away.
I've just counted two pairs of boots and seven pairs of shoes, scattered all around this, admittedly fairly large, room.
I could go on, but you get the picture.
Please tell me I'm not alone in being unable to invite Hello round for a photo shoot. |