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Do we need a rant forum?


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13:29 / 18.10.04
Really "fucking" funny, surely?

Source: Chill, man. You're taking yourself way too seriously.
13:43 / 18.10.04
Source, with respect, read your first post back to yourself and see how much of what you've just said is evident from that. Now consider what a reasonable person might infer from what you did say in your first post. Give special attention to:

"I hand her my card, sign the paper and the bitch wastes mine and everyone else's time by taking a relaly close look at the signature"

"Damned signature nazi."


"I suppose it's the only power she has in this world."

Loomis has already put forward, and defended the position that people who work in sales jobs oughtn't be rude. Benfox gave you his full-throated support early on. Your persecution anxiety seems a little eager in the face of a fairly mixed response, and your shit-flinging in the face of disagreement comes off as more than a little petulant.
But, I suppose that's all the power a person like you has in the world.
Tryphena Absent
14:06 / 18.10.04
I was just thinking on some intimations upthread that anyone in the service industry has the right to be shitty at customers, simply because they've got a shitty job

Yeah but we shouldn't make the mistake of forgetting that people working in supermarkets often don't have any choice about the type of work they're doing. I think that gives them a right to be shitty occasionally, sitting behind a till passing packages over a bleepy thing for 6 or 7 hours at a time and facing people who are buying food and looking totally miserable is a good reason to be upset. I'd get upset too so hell, yeah I do think they have a right.
14:14 / 18.10.04
Hmm, Source...You have a point, and I understand your fustration.

The point I understand is that people do not know the situation in it's entirety and yet, still made assumptions about you, the service worker and the situation. Instead of assuming the best possible about people, most people, (if not given all the information) will immediately assume the worst about another. I also understand that you didn't provide a lot of information, details, etc...but still, that is no reason to assume the worst about anyone. It tends to happen a lot though, especially online, I have found.

So, even though you could have provided more information and details on the particular situation, people here could have just as easily asked for them or at least not responded so harshly.

One thing I think might have grated people the wrong way however, might have been the use of the words "bitch" and "nazi". Although, there are some very harsh comments and language used in the untamed hate and anger, I am not sure on that one.

Source, I know you are fairly new here, and I wouldn't call myself a barbe-vet, yet (just coming up on my 3rd year), so, just know there can be a lot of piss/taking/piss going on. People tend to feel safe enough to talk to others online in ways they wouldn't dare do in person.

I wish you well and give this advice: Ask a lot of questions so you can learn about this place, (most people will be kind enough to answer, even the most seemingly prickly of the lot), always re-read your posts to make sure they are clear, and NEVER assume anything about anyone (that is a hard one), especially those here on Barbelith.

I will be here sitting on my fence if anyone needs me.
Spatula Clarke
14:27 / 18.10.04
Wait... you don't think you're superior to her? Then what the hell is

I suppose it's the only power she has in this world.

supposed to mean? Mind you, based on your last post you obviously stood there and watched her for her entire shift, so I guess you'd know.

I haven't attacked or sworn at anyone in this forum

No, you haven't, but then confronting somebody on a level playing field is obviously something you have trouble with. Much easier and much more satisfying to attack them somewhere that they'll never get to hear about it.

The point I understand is that people do not know the situation in it's entirety and yet, still made assumptions about you, the service worker and the situation. Instead of assuming the best possible about people, most people, (if not given all the information) will immediately assume the worst about another. I also understand that you didn't provide a lot of information, details, etc...but still, that is no reason to assume the worst about anyone. It tends to happen a lot though, especially online, I have found.

Tends to happen a lot in supermarkets too.
14:41 / 18.10.04
Grow 'the fuck' up, get 'the fuck' over yourselves and stop spending so much 'fucking' time jerking each other off in this forum - there's crusty cum all over the walls.

There's way too much mutual mental masturbation going on amongst the veterans in this place.

You broke Source already!

Hey Source, take it easy. You've snapped, but so what? Your not the only one.

(Just a few words incase you where thinking of posting again but felt too much like a doofus.)
14:45 / 18.10.04
bearo - I'm glad you think so. It was intended to be funny.

Bush loses the Haus keys again -

Bush Loses Smoothly - Fair play, but I think it's pretty obvious who I'm "shit slinging" at, and if it's not, then you need to re-read the thread.

I have no persecution anxiety to speak of - (that's cute though ) - I'm just giving as good as I'm getting from certain people.

I simply came here to vent, and what did I get? "Disagreement"? No. I got a tirade of sarcasm and abuse from moderators no less.

I'm sure you guys feel oh-so-special because you've been given moderator status... But really, take a look around and see that everyone who regularly posts here is a moderator and the other 2% simply don't care that you're a moderator. Quite clearly there's not much thought goes into picking arbitrators who can offer any form of intelligent debate, but instead offer abuse and profanity.

I've already and freely admitted that I was wrong to write what I did in my first post, yet I still get a load of crap from a few mods.

Bush Lost Anna de Logardiere - Fair play, that's your opinion. My opinion is that anyone who works in the service industry should be good with people; especially customers. And if they're not, then they should go and work somewhere where they're not dealing directly with customers.

Having a shitty day or shift once in a while is all well and good, but every time I see this till girl now, she's sitting their looking pissed off. Someone needs to help her perk up a bit.

Barbelillith - I didn't provide a lot of information because I had no intention of boring people with a huge post about my shitty day. Instead I posted a what I felt I needed to, in order to vent about the last thing that upset me.

I don't care whether people respond harshly here, I've seen that that's a part of this place, but they shouldn't then be shocked in dismayed when I respond in kind.

I've been online for a long time and I'm a member of a couple of great, small private forums, with a close-nit community of friends. Although I do believe that Real Life™ and Real People™ are more important than your online personality. I simply came to Barbelith as a favour to a friend, who liked that he could discuss his homosexuality openly here. I haven't posted much here, though, so I decided to vent a little to get the ball rolling (although my posts are not usually so brash).

Hugo Constantinople Letterhead - Once again, I've admitted that I was wrong to write what I did in my original post - I was tired, annoyed and my girlfriend was calling me over for some hot, sweaty sex with honey on top, so I didn't have much time to write about the entirety of the situation.

However, rest assured, Hugo, my good man - I definitely do feel superior to you.

"Tends to happen a lot in supermarkets too." - Oooooh ... Touché.

Frosty votes for Supercontext - A doofus? Moi? I think not.
14:48 / 18.10.04
Oh and Barbelillith, Benfox, Loomis, Frosty votes for Supercontext and others - Thank you for your kind words.
14:56 / 18.10.04
14:57 / 18.10.04
Tends to happen a lot in supermarkets too.

True enough. I think people only tend to understand how they are being treated at the moment. Maybe, her boss had shit on her earlier, and maybe the boss's partner had left them the night is endless really. Who do we blame? Actually, a better question would be, "Where does it stop?"

I don't think anyone really has the right to treat anyone in a shitty manner, but it happens.There is not much I can do about it. All I can do is try and avoid people who are shitty, defend myself from abuse malice and try not to be shitty myself.
Spatula Clarke
14:58 / 18.10.04
Source - You forgot to use the word 'clique'.
15:02 / 18.10.04
You are welcome, Source. However, you have to understand that those who are opposed to you do have a point, it's just people get very brave online, and it comes across as a bit caustic.
15:02 / 18.10.04
Sir Real
15:03 / 18.10.04
A doofus? Moi? I think not.

Does this remind anyone else of one of those 'Everything I say is a lie,' self contradictory type statments?
15:07 / 18.10.04
You know people in the real world? Have some gay friends AND you have a girlfriend? Your so rocking my world right now.
15:09 / 18.10.04

15:38 / 18.10.04
Bush Loses Smoothly -

Barbelillith - I know the people here have a point, which is why I originally thanked SmegBedhead for pointing out my foolishness.

Bush loses the Haus keys again - Don't diss the Police, yo.

baero - * bows *

Listen guys, I can't help being the sophisicated, erudite, urbane, hyper-intelligent, criminally-hansdome person that you see before you - It's just a small part of who I am.
Sir Real
15:41 / 18.10.04
Is that Steve?
15:51 / 18.10.04
That would make sense - benfox being his best friend, and thus him being the "Source" of Benfox's feelings...

OK, Steve, ya got me, you kidder. No hard feelings, eh? We can still... spend time together, right?
15:58 / 18.10.04
I simply came to Barbelith as a favour to a friend, who liked that he could discuss his homosexuality

So at least we can be sure that Steve knows the score with Ben.
15:58 / 18.10.04
I can't believe this lame 'fucking' thread has gone to two pages. Do we need a lame thread forum?
Haus of Mystery
16:30 / 18.10.04
"I didn't provide a lot of information because I had no intention of boring people with a huge post about my shitty day. Instead I posted a what I felt I needed to, in order to vent about the last thing that upset me"

Yeah, and some people took offence to what you said. Get over it.
Tryphena Absent
16:38 / 18.10.04
And if they're not, then they should go and work somewhere where they're not dealing directly with customers.

Go on then, name five jobs that someone who works on a supermarket checkout could definitely get that aren't as mind-numbingly boring or extremely tiring.
Haus of Mystery
17:09 / 18.10.04
"I was tired, annoyed and my girlfriend was calling me over for some hot, sweaty sex with honey on top, so I didn't have much time to write about the entirety of the situation."

Oh dude you're so totally forgiven. Dude! Sex, dude!! Alright!!!!!
17:51 / 18.10.04
Just who the fudge is "Steve" and can someone point me to some of his threads, because there's no way this "Steve" character is half as cool as me.

nightclub dwight - I agree!!

MacGuyver I - * snore * ... * hands you a stick so that you can continue to beat the dead horse *

Bush Lost Anna de Logardiere - Jesus Christ, you've got to be kidding me - Use your brain.

MacGuyver II - Virgins always over-react whenever they see the word "sex". I can't believe you spent that much time re-reading this thread. Did you cream in your pants, you sad little boy?

This thread is, like, so over, mkay? Let it die the slow and painful death it deserves.

* waits for the extremely witty puns to come rolling in *
17:53 / 18.10.04
Anna, that's not really the point, is it? I'd have thought that being civil to customers is one of the basic duties of all customer service jobs. And working on a till is hardly the lowest of the low. It was a coveted position in my days of shop work, and I had a conversation in my local Tesco only the other week with a woman who told me how chuffed she was to have been promoted out of the bakery and able to work with customers on the shop floor.
Having a shitty day is an excuse we can all give to explain a lapse in standards, and we can all be understanding of that. But I'm not sure that one can claim a right to it. Police do a tough job (often boring, frequently tiring) and have shitty days. Do they have a right to the occasional dereliction of their basic duties?
17:58 / 18.10.04
Steve, stop kidding around. I know you never touch those girls... like that. Ben wouldn't let you. *Swayze* wouldn't let you.
Haus of Mystery
18:27 / 18.10.04
Hey! How did you know I'm a virgin? Have you got, like, psychic powers or some shit?
Spatula Clarke
18:31 / 18.10.04
It's Steve, dude - if he's not sexed you, you've not been sexed.
Sir Real
18:32 / 18.10.04
Cleary it's Steve, or Ben pretending to be Steve.
19:13 / 18.10.04
And he can't spell Sauce.
19:40 / 18.10.04
Hey! How did you know I'm a virgin? Have you got, like, psychic powers or some shit?

It's Psychic Day today on, didn't you know?

Uh, nevermind.
19:55 / 18.10.04
Is it wrong of me to be terribly entertained by this thread? I feel dirty...


This reminds me of an experience my friends and I had once with a waitress, who was obviously having a bad night, but was also doing an extremely crappy job. I'm sure those factors were operating as a vicious cycle. She took forever to take our order, and then she didn't get most of it right, brought out the wrong things or didn't bring them out at all. She wouldn't refill our drinks, and we had to ask several times for anything we needed - and in most cases we still didn't get it. We were really trying to be nice to her - it was obvious that she was waiting too many tables - but she was being extremely surly to us, on top of everything else. We considered complaining to the manager, but we decided that we didn't want to get her in trouble, and in the end it was decided that we would simply not leave her a tip.

Now, we have all worked service jobs, and normally we overtip people, because we're sympathetic about it, but none of us could countenance giving her anything because she had simply done a horrible job, and had also been very rude to us all night.

As it happened, the bill was an even dollar amount plus a few cents, and none of us had any small change except for one quarter, so we ended up leaving something like 19 cents over the bill.

As we left the restaurant, still feeling a bit frustrated over the poor service, and got into our cars, the waitress came tearing out the front door, frothing, and screamed, "YOU FORGOT YOUR FUCKING QUARTER!" She then threw the quarter at my friend's car with such force that it dented the hood and scratched the paint.

He did go in and talk to her manager after that. Bad night, sure, but I hope to gods that she got fired for that. If I'm not mistaken, my friend would have been within his rights to sue her for assault or property damage - possibly the restaurant, too - but he didn't, being a nice guy.

Everyone has bad days, some people just seem to be far too interested in spreading their bad day around to everyone they contact.

(This, by the way, is coming from someone with a legendary temper, and quite possibly the world's worst waitress after the quarter-chucker...)
21:50 / 18.10.04
I don't really seem to get bad waiters/waitresses/checkout people - absent or space cases occasionally, but always from indifferent to nice. Every time I go through US immigration though I seem to get the person who doesn't know how to use the machine and checks every single stamp, and I'm preceded by a dozen people who don't speak English and can't find their passports. Does that count?

I've worked out a strategy to avoid that now though. You pick the queue with the guy on it who looks like he's a week away from retirement and has spent the last thirty years sitting in that same chair. You know, the one who gets killed in the first scene of the movie.
King of Town
01:33 / 19.10.04
That man in the same chair for thirty years is my father! Feel sorrow for his unfulfilling occupation, but talking about crappy jobs, has anyone seen the Poopsmith? I haven't heard from him for at least 25 hours or something.

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