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Young Barbelith Republicans


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Mister Six, whom all the girls
14:10 / 03.11.04
Trebor, If anything, this election has shown that people WILL get more involved in politics if they are given something they care about to decide... unfortunately it seems to be controlling the rights of homosexuals.
Cheap. Easy. Cruel.
14:27 / 03.11.04
cusm, my political beliefs sound very similar to yours. I find I can best describe myself to people by telling them I am a fiscal conservative and a moral liberal. Unfortunately, the party I joined has been hijacked by the religious right and is heading in such a direction that I am seriously considering registering differently. If only more like Schwarzenegger would speak out, perhaps we could bring the party back towards the center. Maybe I am just an optimist.
16:07 / 03.11.04
In cases like that, its actually better to remain in the republican party, as this gives you more of a voice to support a moderate rather than the current psychopath they've got rolled up there. And then if the psychopath gets put up anyway, you can still vote Democrat come november. I've actually considered switching parties myself for just that reason. Cept I wouldn't shake feeling somehow dirty from it.

Party afiliation is all about the primary race. Its just about which party you want to have a voice of change in. Third parties existing only as a voice of support for particular issues until they are swallowed up by one of the major parties who decide to support them to gain their votes anyway. I only remain registered independent as a statement of general disgust with the lot, though I've been considering more actually getting involved with one or the other just to have some level of effect, realizing that the party doesn't matter at all so much as what you're shouting for from within it.
16:12 / 03.11.04
Hm. I wonder, actually, if the Religious Right will end up taking over the party completely in time, driving the remainder of traditonal Republicans into the Reform, Libertarian, Constitutional, or a new refugee party. That would be mighty interesting. And utterly horrifying if they continued to hold power afterwards.
23:09 / 03.11.04
Fair points MisterSix and FinderWolf.

I guess I'm just angry at, how did chomsky put it, the emphasis? I'm sure there were five points he raised, you probably know them better than I.
Cheap. Easy. Cruel.
12:34 / 04.11.04
Good point about staying in, cusm. The problem is, I still have to look my gay friends in the eye. I have been able to explain to a few of them my position of wanting to change the party. However, there comes a time when you cannot change the structure from within and it is time to get out and start on a new one. I am slowly moving towards the realization that my hope of a more centrist, moderate party might never come to be.
Mr Ed
22:55 / 04.11.04
All you humourless fuckers, Up against the wall. That includes me. Bum.

Okay, assuming they are Republicans reading this: What are the implications of Bushe's win for the party as a whole, given that the turnout was incredibly high and that he won on the slimmest margin since Truman?
01:44 / 05.11.04
If only more like Schwarzenegger would speak out, perhaps we could bring the party back towards the center.

Bill Maher recently pointed out, as many have, that the Governator is basically to the left of Kerry, and said that maybe all you have to do is tell people you're a Republican and then you get to govern like a sane person.
02:36 / 08.11.04
I wonder, actually, if the Religious Right will end up taking over the party completely in time, driving the remainder of traditonal Republicans into the Reform, Libertarian, Constitutional, or a new refugee party.
By the way, the Constitution Party is pretty much a pure religious right party, espousing limited government and prayer in schools, etc. But your point is still taken.

I still have to look my gay friends in the eye.
Do you, by any chance, contribute to Log Cabin Republicans? If you want to work from within the party on the issue of intolerance, this is probably a good place to start.
Cheap. Easy. Cruel.
22:54 / 09.11.04
Mr Ed

Okay, assuming they are Republicans reading this: What are the implications of Bushe's win for the party as a whole, given that the turnout was incredibly high and that he won on the slimmest margin since Truman?

The implications for the party are even more control by the religious right and the neocons, neither of which espouse the values I joined the party for. I think that, cusm had the right of it when he said, "Hm. I wonder, actually, if the Religious Right will end up taking over the party completely in time, driving the remainder of traditonal Republicans into the Reform, Libertarian, Constitutional, or a new refugee party."

That is a good suggestion Lionel Wallace, I will have to begin my support of them. Thank you for pointing me in their direction.

The gloating and displays of "poor sportsmanship" I have seen from my fellow Republicans has been appaling the last few days. I actually snapped at a guy at work for some idiotic comment he made, something about "if they don't like it they can leave the country". I damned near hit him. It was a fucking stupid comment and I am tired of hearing crap like that. I felt like telling him he could have left when things weren't going his way either, but I decided to just shake my head at him and tell him that we need both sides to balance things out. Sorry for that rant. I just needed to get it out.
ibis the being
01:57 / 10.11.04
I wonder, actually, if the Religious Right will end up taking over the party completely in time, driving the remainder of traditonal Republicans into the Reform, Libertarian, Constitutional, or a new refugee party.

As I believe I posted in another thread (?), Ralph Reed - former head of the Christian Coalition - is reportedly on the "short list" of nominees for head of the RNC next year. I actually think interesting things could happen if he took over - like the Libertarians becoming a viable third party.
13:20 / 10.11.04
If the Reformers hook up with the Libertarians, they'd be incredibly viable. I know from going to Green meetings in '00 that there are these wandering ex-Reformers who just want to hook up with any third party that looks like it can shake things up (and who want nothing to do with Pat Buchanan).
Tom Morris
19:31 / 23.11.04
Give me a moral liberal, social conservative Libertarian flavoured juice with a paper umbrella poking out the top of a cocktail glass.

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