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Anyone but Blair, Howard and Kennedy.

Nobody's girl
13:06 / 29.09.04
Personally, I just can't bring myself to vote for Blair. I'd never vote for the Conservatives unless they became a radically different party. And the Lib Dems? It'd be nice for a change but I don't feel particularly ideologically aligned with them and really, what's the chances of them ever winning?

Perhaps Gordon Brown will take over someday, but since hearing that Alistair Darling is one of his allies I've become quite wary of him.

Is it too much to ask for a political party that reflects even a fifth of my views?

Labour will probably win, wont they?

*sighs despairingly*
15:00 / 29.09.04
I'd be interested to hear in what way you feel your own politics are incompatable with those of the lib dems.
17:46 / 29.09.04
And the Lib Dems? It'd be nice for a change but I don't feel particularly ideologically aligned with them and really, what's the chances of them ever winning?

well, i don't live in the UK, so maybe i'm naive here, but while they won't be able to win a majority in the near future, they could very reasonably supplant the Tories as the number two party. i would contend that a political atmosphere which is contested between the Lib Dems and Labour would be more desirable than one contested between the Tories and Labour.

and, well, not to be naive, but whatever chances they have of winning now, if they're ever going to have a chance to win in the future, people are going to have to stop not voting for them because "they're never going to win." arguing that you shouldn't vote for someone who's not electable is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
21:10 / 29.09.04
I'd never vote for Labour, and I'd never vote for the Tories, but I'd like to vote for someone who might possibly win, so I'll probably vote Lib Dem this time. It doesn't matter that they suck.

But really, don't get too worried about it. Voting once every five years for the least shitty candidate - you *know* it means bugger all, don't treat it as if there's one choice you can make that will be really good, and you have to decide carefully. Blair has joined the country in an war of occupation. The Tories are cunts, and useless cunts. The Lib Dems are faffers. Nobody else has a chance of winning anything. If you want to take meaningful political action, look elsewhere.
23:15 / 29.09.04
It feels empty and purposeless, so I'm voting Lib Dem. I've never voted anything but Labour, but I'm afraid I take Blair's insulting of my intelligence via the Iraq Fuckup incredibly personally, and now find myself unable to vote for a party that has him in it.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
23:23 / 29.09.04
I vote for the Lib Dems not just because they are the leftest of the mainstream 3 parties, but also because they're for Single Transferable Voting, which strikes me as the best way to run a democracy.

Labour's peicemeal, half-arsed approach to constitutional reform leaves a lot to be desired...
11:48 / 30.09.04
The Lib Dems are faffers.

what's a faffer?
Kit-Cat Club
12:24 / 30.09.04
Someone who faffs around - i.e. fiddling around, wasting time, and being generally indecisive and ineffectual...
Alex's Grandma
18:50 / 30.09.04
Personally, I'd like to see Tony Blair back in office again, but with his majority cut back to around something like twenty. After what he's been used to in terms of power, having to go cap in hand to the unions, his MP's, and everyone else he's routinely ignored for the last seven years to get even the most minor thing through parliament would not, I'm guessing, be much fun for Our Tone - He might just resign, but then he should have done months ago; hopefully our man would have the basic piss and vinegar to struggle along for a few more years, watching his power base steadily crumble, increasingly paranoid, defensive and so on, before having to go " for the good of the party. " Just because a) I'd find that quite funny, and b) a government that's so bogged down in parliamentary feuding that it can't in fact do anything, never mind tell fibs, start fights or suck up to the bigger boys, or press on blindly with more " radical reforms, " in the absence, really, of a lot else to do, would suit this country just fine, I think.
08:31 / 01.10.04
Personally, I'd like to see him dead of massive myocardial infarction - and hey, it just might happen.
12:19 / 01.10.04
while they won't be able to win a majority in the near future, they could very reasonably supplant the Tories as the number two party. i would contend that a political atmosphere which is contested between the Lib Dems and Labour would be more desirable than one contested between the Tories and Labour.

Totally. Even I'm gonna vote next time, and Charles is getting mine for precisely that reason.
solid~liquid onwards
14:06 / 05.10.04
mr kennedy's a decent enough chap, back when i was in school, i was having a cig "up the street" and we found charles hiding behind the post office having a sneaky cig where no-one could see him. We closed in and talked politics for a bit, expressed our views then we all turned to bashing me rampant snp mate (now no longer a mate but a rampant tory!).

for half the year hes my MP and im quite satisfied with him in that context. we all know he likes the drink, but alcoholism is the norm in the highlands... it makes him *one of us* ^_^

The best reason to vote for the liberal democrats is PR. a form of Proportional representation would mean less wasted votes and would make minority parties a more viable choice. This would help push britain from its current semi autocratic state to something closer to actual democracy. yay ^_^ *real* democracy is tasty
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