Personally, I'd like to see Tony Blair back in office again, but with his majority cut back to around something like twenty. After what he's been used to in terms of power, having to go cap in hand to the unions, his MP's, and everyone else he's routinely ignored for the last seven years to get even the most minor thing through parliament would not, I'm guessing, be much fun for Our Tone - He might just resign, but then he should have done months ago; hopefully our man would have the basic piss and vinegar to struggle along for a few more years, watching his power base steadily crumble, increasingly paranoid, defensive and so on, before having to go " for the good of the party. " Just because a) I'd find that quite funny, and b) a government that's so bogged down in parliamentary feuding that it can't in fact do anything, never mind tell fibs, start fights or suck up to the bigger boys, or press on blindly with more " radical reforms, " in the absence, really, of a lot else to do, would suit this country just fine, I think. |