I agree with everything listed so far, and just want to add Milligan's 'The Enigma' 'cause I never see/hear/read anybody saying anything about it and it's just the grandest sort of good great grand thing and everyone should have a copy, even the fucked-up bomb-victim chemical-warfare-assaulted refugee-camp kid and and soccer moms from Wisconsin.
Okeh, it's not really that important, but it's one of my fave re-reads of comics, and just loaded with fun - and poignant moments... remarkable in a medium that seems to think moody, depressing, overly-arranged and sterile, are the best points a work can have.
Also, Moto Hagio's 'A, A'' (eh, that's - A comma A prime, but I cannot do the prime mark rightly, with the inverted commas and all), which may not be entirely politic, but it's cute and makes me tear and smile in quick succession.
I'll cheat a bit, and tell y'all to pick up Dave Cockrum's 'Nightcrawler' mini... to make it fit, feel free to bind all four issues together and pretend. Or, marvel at a mutant book with no mutant-issue-social-commentary paranoia, but plenty of swords, dimensional travel, cabbage patch 'crawlers, and the occasional random nudity. Plus, what I'm pretty sure is the only mention of Magik's er, dirty book collection.
I'm sensing a pattern here... |