Apparently, the T-X has 25 weapons built into her reconfigurable arm. The list-
HDE Predator (333b), IAD - CHem Tech, Nano-Disrupter (.222mm), P31 Caustic Shells x231,.45 mm Cascader, SUBauro (.444), Finite Rapid Cluster Gun, HK-54334 (modified), Laser X-Ray Gun, EMP Generator, .223 Automatic STOPper, RUMSFELD P81 CAUSTIC, ADMOR BioBlaster, CG45 Needler, 783 CHAIN Repeater, CONSIGLIO Blaster, XFLRG - 44mm, KLD-Magnum Repeater, Tracking EBlaster, BioRail 32SR-9 (modified), TWIN Barrier Gun, Crescent Corridor Blaster, Plasma Cannon in the 60 watt range, Nanotechnological Transjectors, Diamond tipped cutting blade
I propose the Chibi T-X be equipped with:
Pizza cutter, BBQ lighter, squeaky mallet, ping pong ball gun, super soaker, nerf dart launcher, laser pointer, Hulk Hands, giant "We're #1!" hand, dustbuster, sparkler, lava lamp, martini shaker, Mr. Socko, blow dryer, glo-stick, glitter marker, Micheal Jackson glove, egg whisk, curling tongs, universal remote control, wiffle bat, Lady Remington depiliator, bubble wand and breast milk pump. |