I read the Salon article. Here's that passage -
Wouldn't it be great if the reality was that they were lying about WMD, and they really didn't believe that democracy would come when they invaded Iraq, and you could go to war with 5,000 troops, a few special forces, a few bombs and a lot of American flags, and Iraq would fold, Saddam would be driven out, a new Baath Party would emerge that's moderate? Democracy would flow like water out of a fountain. These guys believe it. They believe WMD. There's no fallback with these guys. These guys are utopians. They're like Trotskyites. They believe in permanent revolution. They really believe.
I think what Hersch is saying, at least in the interview, is pretty interesting but in my view highly dubious. I don't know, I just can't really buy this stuff. I don't know if anyone's seen the film Uncovered, but there's testimony from all these former CIA agents and ambassadors and so on saying the White House absolutely knew there were no WMD. And this guy, access or no, is still just a reporter.
Plus, I just can't see idealism and utopian love of democracy being these guys' (Bush Admin) MO. Why then would they be stripping their own citizens of civil rights? Why then would their be so many shady financial deals involved in the war and reconstruction? I don't know, it just doesn't jibe for me. But then, I haven't read the book, and maybe I will - right now I'm reading Imperial Hubris. |