No extras, no.
I do miss the introductions to these things, certainly. I dare say everything's a bit more competitive than it used to be, and no one's got the time, when it's all you can do not to trip over thirty or forty softbound copies of 'Captain America isproportionate' on the way into the comix shop, but I used to quite like the sense of literary import, or at least common cause, that say Alan Moore doing a blurb for The Dark Night Returns, or George M writing a bit for The Enigma would add to the thing as a whole. Whereas this Seaguy trade ( without for a second calling into question the motives of the artistes involved, ) just felt a bit slung out.
Admittedly, if I hadn't managed to spill a beer on my copy of Seaguy #2, I doubt I'd have been in the market for a collected edition in the first place, but still, shouldn't Vertigo, as supposedly a part of the 'literary' end of the comic book spectrum be trying a bit harder than this ? If nothing else catering a bit more to their readership's intellectual vanity ?
And as a separate gripe ( and doing the Alf Garnett thing a bit here I suppose, ) what were they playing at with the Shade trade, really ? If they're not prepared to re-issue this stuff in decent-sized chunks ( ie, ten issues a go, at least, I can't see that's asking too much, ) how can they honestly expect anyone to bother with the first lot ? They are sort of hoisting themselves on their own petard at the moment, I think. |