Take stock, do not undervalue what you have.
First image that came on Ingestion of Fehu, was that of a calf suckling from its mother.
Sustainable wealth is of importance, the lineage of cattle and family, reveal an intertwining legacy. family is of worth, it is a continued exertion of the self through blood. The cattle/livestock are also genetic lines of power/will exertion. They dictate a trade worth as well as a status held. Family and livestock equal heritage.
Money is not the same, it has no bodily secreations to bind it into the ecosytem and flow of nature. Be aware off this.
Others will be jealous of our power/will extention through family and livestock/material wealth. We will be jealous in return, creating staus judgements.
We (humans/animals) are born into a family/lineage. As humans we exert the will to create judgement on this, this is our blessing/curse.
What is importnat to you? What do you value?
I am sated, my belly, heart and mind full. This is what FEHU brings to me. Satisfaction in fulfillment, ingestion of selfworth and attainment of material needed to exert power/will.
I rediscover and put up/out my sacred items, I construct my sacred space. I realise I have so much already, that is not disposable and is long lasting.
I look now for assistance in extending my power/will, my intent pure. I have to face pride/own judgements, before asking others for material resources/money.
I am in a network, behind me and infront of me, as I gather livestock/material worth, I must be clear on what I value and give away all that is uneccessary.
I will be sick and empty, without what I truly need and by having things that are of no use/value.
FEHU is now in me, mating with my DNA. |