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Poppet Magick

16:01 / 17.09.04
Does anyone have any experience in, advice about, or good sources on the use of poppets or dolls in magickal workings?

Looking for something beyond the "put person's hair in doll and stick pins in it to give them owies" thing.

What about poppets as spirit houses, after the manner of mojo bags? As gifts to confer blessings? As tokens to draw luck, money, or love?

I'm sure there's rich lore on this in Voodoo/Hoodoo sources, but I'm not sure where to start.

16:50 / 17.09.04
I'm not the master of poppets (*beat*), but I can throw out some bits'n'pieces:

Generally speaking, working with poppets (or doll-babies) is usually considered to be sympathetic magic: whatever you do to the doll, directly or symbolically, happens to your "target" (who need not be an enemy). So, if you're doing enemy work you hurt or twist the poppet - or freeze it, bind it, bury it, etc. Or, if the poppet represents the Other in a love spell, you treat it nice, talk sweetly to it. You can also dress the poppet with oils or powders you don't have an opportunity to touch your target with directly.

You're right, though, about the importance of using "personal concerns" (e.g. blood, hair, sexual fluids, a bit of worn clothing, or at worst a name-paper) in forging a connection between the doll and the target - and it can be difficult or impossible to make an effective connection without it.

Many hoodoos say that the best stuffing material for poppets (regardless of the kind of work) is Spanish moss. Don't know why. : P

In addition to the moss, though, some recommend stuffing specific parts of the doll's body with herbs or other substances that represent the effects you desire (this is especially true for enemy work, with hot peppers in the head, knotweed in the stomach, etc., though I could imagine a poppet stuffed with herbs for protection or calmth).

A doll-baby representing a person can be given to a dead person to "hold" by burying it in a cemetary. Don't do this unless you mean it, and be sure to pay the dead properly.

I don't know too much about the use of poppets as spirit-houses (or mojo bags as spirit-houses, for that matter?), but I'd be interested to hear from others on the subject.

Back to you, Sekhmet.

18:32 / 17.09.04
Thanks, L; this confirms most of what I thought I knew...

I'm curious: what is the purpose of having someone "held" by the dead? Is it a protective measure, or is the target meant to be restrained in some way?

I think I'd read something before from Gypsy Lantern on spirits in bags... That may have been in the sense of binding, though, rather than providing a home for a more free-willed entity. I'm specifically wondering about using a poppet as a residence for a deceased creature or a guardian spirit - I think Kachina dolls may have been used in this way on occasion?...

Also, is there any potential for using a doll as a conduit for communication with a spirit, such as a patron deity or a guardian? Wouldn't it be just as effective as a statue, or other type of representation?
Nietzsch E. Coyote
19:01 / 17.09.04
Chaos & Sorcery by Nick Hall seems to be a good source.
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