I'm sure we've had multiple threads on this this - 'Gawd I was/am/will be sooo drunk' being a Barbe-biggie - but I'm too ineptly and cantankerously inebriated to bother looking for them. So bleh.
Varieties of drunkenness has been something of a concern for Xoc and me lately. During the post-induction phase of Atkins, we re-introduced alcohol (doing completely without for two weeks was Hell; we realised our entire social lives revolve around the stuff) in the form of low-carb 'clear' drinks: vodka, white wine, champagne.
Now, the champagne was a nice idea; I've always got wonderfully drunk on good champagne and am extremely partial to the fizz, but finances prevent one getting regularly sozzled on nothing but champagne. In practice, it's usually the foreplay for a heavier alco-sex session. White wine - even very good white wine - tends to turn my stomach, so that left vodka.
Ahhh, vodka. Vodka sounded like a fabulous idea at the time. No carbs, no calories; a good time in a bottle. For a time, we were drinking nothing but vodkatonic (not as Atkinsygood as vodkaslimlinetonic, but infinitely doable) or vodkadietcoke or, in verrry classy joints, vodkalocalorieredbull.
The problem with vodka, we gradually realised, is that it doesn't come in discreet, manageable units, like pints of beer or bottles of wine. Nooo, it comes in bottles which seem like a good idea on one's way home ("let's get a bottle for later") but which lead to more and more mixer-drinks. On two or three occasions, one or both of us would find ourselves having mysteriously forgotten to sleep, supping vodkasemiskimmedmilks as the dawn chorus chirped outside. And the hangover, while not as migrainous as red wine, is insidiously boweltastic.
Vodka drunkenness, because it omits the 'feeling sleepy' component of non-spirits, is an altogether different beast. I found myself five, six sheets to the wind but utterly undrowsy, qui-i-ite able to do or post the stupidest of stupid things.
(For those who're wondering, I'm finishing up a lovely bottle of Brown Brothers merlot. Not vodka.)
So. Red wine makes my head fine. Beer makes me (more) queer. Stuff that doesn't rhyme makes me boke.
What are your alcoholic dos and don'ts? |