BARBELITH underground

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I'm back!

13:18 / 16.09.04
Did anybody notice that I was gone?
15:16 / 16.09.04
The veil is thinner here...


Do I hear a voice?
Mr Ed
15:37 / 16.09.04

So am I. Does anyone care?


So I'm off to find my own patch of darkness and sulk for a bit.
Bill Posters
16:17 / 16.09.04
Well i didn't notice either of yer'd gone, but that's cos I've been a bit gone myself, recently, so no need to sulk. I notice that in our absence, there's been a terrible shitfight about whether only heteronazis get married... yikes, the 'Lith's not at all like it used to be in our day, is it?
16:32 / 16.09.04
I just thought you were posting in fora I don't go into. Hi!
03:39 / 17.09.04
I noticed!! Where did you go?!
07:55 / 17.09.04
I noticed you'd gone, Bill... largely because you didn't join in said heteronazi shitfight!
11:59 / 17.09.04
I'm afraid I don't recall that... has anybody ever actually used the phrase "heteronazi" on Barbelith? I mean, as an actual term of abuse, rather than a label to claim other people are using in order to caricature and insult their beliefs?

I'm drawing a blank.
Bill Posters
17:06 / 17.09.04
No, no one else has used the term, or I would have put it in quotes, I guess I coined it without really thinking about it. Also, I did not mean to insult or characature anyone's beliefs with that shorthand - I am in considerable sympathy with the stance(s) that Antiheteronazi League adopt(s), as it goes.
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