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Online 1000 blank white cards game

flufeemunk effluvia
22:35 / 14.09.04
My freind and I were talking and came up with an insane idea: a 1000 blank white cards online game. What we were thinking of so far was making it as a program where players would make cards in their off-time and then play with them online. The cards would be images with tags saved on the user's hard disk. After each game (4 to 6 people per game), players would vote on the best cards of the round.

Just a random idea that would be amazing to see executed. Anyone with programming/online game maintainence/art background interested in helping?
23:29 / 15.09.04
Yeah, I'm up for it. I knows me some html and I knows me some 1KBW Cards. It could be done as a thread here, which would keep the game accessible (everyone who can RTF Wiki could post). There are a number of image hosting services that would assist the non-hosted.
flufeemunk effluvia
00:11 / 16.09.04
I am used to it in forums, but here we were thinking of making an actual game, in a similar vein to inklink. Something cool about having it in more of a chatroom setting and everyone needint to use the same MS Paint type tools.
14:25 / 16.09.04
Sounds interesting. Where are the forums that you've seen it in?
flufeemunk effluvia
19:50 / 20.09.04
The Wigu board on dumbrella had a huuuuge thread where people played with photoshopped kinda deals. I was thinking that mouse-drawn madness would be more fun. Thats just my wacky aesthetic speaking, though.
00:05 / 30.10.04
This would take some coordination, but this is a collabarative online drawingboard... it might work.
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