I had a 450MHz P3 about 18 months ago and decided to replace the 14Gb hard drive with a bigger, 120Gb one. Went home and fitted it, only to realize it was too big for my BIOS to recognize it.
Went out and bought a new motherboard with a spangly Athlon XP 1800+, fitted the new HD to it, then realized my RAM wouldn't fit, so went out and bought 1Gb of DDR RAM. By now, my graphics card was just simlpy too crap to put on, so I bought an nVidia card, which was nice.
I put all this together, then found that my power supply simply wasn't powerful enough, so bought a 450W PSU. Nice. It worked.
A few months later, I decided to get a new processor; an Athlon XP 2800+, which needed a new heatsink and fan combo to cool adequately. I fitted it, but then realized that the bus speed of my motherboard wasn't up to running the new CPU at its full speed, so I spent another 130 quid on a new all-singing, all-dancing Gigabyte Mobo. This had 8X AGP, so I bought a Hercules Radeon 9800Pro graphics card (sold my old one on eBay, at a profit!).
By now, my old case was looking shabby, so I bought a flashy, super-cooled case to put it all in. SInce then I've strapped on an external firewire 200Gb HDD, a sexy LCD monitor and a 5.1 Dolby Digital sound system, as well as new printer and, very recently, a USB scanner (something I've never had before). The only part remaining from my original computer is the floppy drive, which has remained unused for over 12 months... |