Possibly I was affected by the fact I'd been looking forward to it quite a lot, but I thought it was proper rubbish, and actually quite annoying. There was very, very little of interest for me to get my teeth into; I thought it failed on virtually every level, whether intellectual, dramatic, emotional, whatever; all the stylistic touches just grated on me sooo much and there were just vast bits that were just slapdash and ill-digested. The whole thing struck me as the biggest budget student film I've ever seen.
I think why I got so violently annoyed is that it was such a waste of a good cast. Which I hate as a trite film critic cliche, but c'mon, Naomi Watts is like unto a goddess and she's just totally wasted here. It's got such a good cast list, with the exception of Jason Schwartzman who's pants and plucks his eyebrows, that I thought it was a bit of a crime to make such a poor film.
But then other people seem to like it a lot so maybe I was in a mood.
(And, seriously, like, don't think I laughed once, and I was the only one in the cinema last week laughing at Napoleon Dynamite) |