BARBELITH underground

Subcultural engagement for the 21st Century...
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An introduction

12:31 / 07.09.04
Just wanted to make an introduction. its good to be here on the board. its doubly good to see that i made "the list" without having to do anything. i am referring to barbelith's "best" and "worst" posters list. i do realize that i am not on the favorable list. however, there is a saying that i like to live by:

"if you can't be good, be good at it."

finally, i have arrived.
12:44 / 07.09.04
Hello there - I hope you have fun, we're all quite nice really.

Umm, are we open to new members again?
pointless and uncalled for
12:48 / 07.09.04

Did you read the new contract?

*rubs hands with glee*
12:53 / 07.09.04
Candles, one. Check. Ass, one. Check.

Ah, Uncle Tez ain't seen a good initiation ritual in years...
pointless and uncalled for
12:58 / 07.09.04
Pity you missed the last one, even George Morrison managed to make an appearance.
Grey Area
13:23 / 07.09.04
Welcome. Ah, I see you're one of the special people whose ficsuit names break the visual continuity of threads. The prophecies warn of your kind, and provide lengthy instructions of how to deal with you. Lengthy, detailed, anatomically precise instructions. With diagrams. I can't wait to try out #43, although where we're going to get an alligator from and how we're going to fit it in there is anyone's guess. Still, if there's one thing Barbeloids are, it's persistent and not shy of a challenge.
18:59 / 07.09.04
Excuse me, but exactly what 'it' were you refering to, sugar?
Bed Head
23:46 / 07.09.04
I’d like to know what extra features Sugarmountain 12 has got that this Sugarmountain didn’t have. Are you now 12 times as powerful? What’s your max speed? C’mon, tell us your origin story.
23:56 / 07.09.04
hmmm... well one appears to spell their own e-mail address better than the other, that's a bit of a plus I suppose.
flufeemunk effluvia
03:38 / 08.09.04
although where we're going to get an alligator from and how we're going to fit it in there is anyone's guess

Grant is a Floridian. Everyone knows Floridians are trained from birth to be excellent 'gator wrasslers. I know my dad is (well, at least from Florida).
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