Triplets Rule, Scientist of the Strange!
A Journal of His Experiments in the Mystic Arts
1. The Sigil
I'll have to start this entry retroactively. My first ever sigil was done about a week ago. The phrase was essentially to improve my sexy appeal. I erased the vowels and double letters in order. This is Morrisonian pop sigilism. I then deleted any doubled or trippled lines. I ended up with an R without the left vertice. It looks like a cool, smooth racing or motor company logo. Very techno japanese. And it just seemed to click in my head. I coloured it red for lust, love and passion and used the old hand shandy method of charging it up. This was after I left it for about 3-4 days. I completely forgot about it until tonight when we went to see Dodgeball. The girl at the counter digged me. To whit. There was my group of four friends including me, and a bunch of lads a few years older on the other side. Everything seemed frozen, I was looking left and right and no-one seemed to want to take the first move up to the counter and order. I caught her looking left and right with me and we both got the joke that everyone was hesistating so I moved first, getting a smile and giggle out of her. While my friends ordered I was talking to my mate about Hellboy which is coming out, or just has. Hellboy being a big RED demon who has trouble with women until he can find the fire in his heart to take a chance. My mate isn't keen on seeing it, and I was like 'dude it's going to ROCK'. The girl at the counter then tried to strike up a conversation with me saying she really wanted to go see it herself but she got swamped by another group of customers before I could respond.
Nothing like that's really happened in a while. So it seemed kind of significant. I double checked with my friend after the film and he confirmed that I wasn't just imagining her digging me. So that was nice 
I think she was still working the counter as we came out, but I chickened out and didn't make my way over when I really wanted to go and ask her out. Oh well. We're going back this Thursday - it being Tuesday as I write this - so if she's working then she is getting asked out. No embarrasment. No Fear. Seize the day! Semper fi! He who dares wins! Make my day!
On the magic: Before today I was a skeptic about magic, sigils, the kaballah etc - not synchronicity, funnily enough, I've believed in that since I was about 11 - so this was a nice suprise. I guess it's up to me if I believe it was magic or not and go from there. What I believe though, and I'm cribbing from Warren Ellis here, is that magic is an internal process of the human brain. You enter the right command through sigils and rituals and you unlock certain functions of your mind that let you, or prepare you, for tasks you might otherwise find difficult. Or that they program you to react differently, subtly different, and to take chances you might normally miss or pass on. However, I've got my first taste now. And I like it 
Would like any feedback you guys would like to share. Should I be writing certain things up and leaving bits out? I've decided I'm mainly going to outline the sigil work out and toss the results in along with any other thoughts that seem to fit. Other comments? Am I blowing things out of proportion? Critique me. |