Fellow scrawlers,
I recently received an 'inspiration pack' for the creation of work for an exhibition in late October at the Spitz gallery, London, which is being organised as part of the annual Big Draw series of events. Quoting from the accompanying letter:
"Each pack contains an image, an object, a text, a tool to draw with and a surface to draw on. These things should serve as the instruction or inspiration to draw, simply for the sake of drawing.
You can use the actual materials and objects we send or even the packaging they arrive in. Equally, you can disregard them completely and do whatever you want - just draw! Whatever you produce, it must be returned to us by post."
The pack was accompanied by a form saying "if you know someone who would like to receive one of our drawing inspiration packs to take part in this exhibition please fill out this form and send it back to us". The information they require is your name, postal address, phone number, brief description of your work and a website link, if you have one. If anyone's interested, PM me the information and I'll send the form on your behalf.
Although the exhibition is in London, as all work must be returned by post I'd imagine that they'd be open to international submissions. |