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The L Word

11:11 / 05.09.04
Disclaimer: having access only to terrestrial channels, I haven't actually seen this - merely read about it, and stood in awe of the massive posters on the Underground (which, with Jennifer 'Dancing Welder' Beals's pouting loveliness, are almost enough to make me go 'hur-hur-hur, can I watch?') It seems to be being touted as a lesbian version of Sex in the City, that city being Los Angeles.

The thing that'd been irritating me slightly was the breathless, gushy 'this'll overturn all your lesbian stereotypes' hyperbole. From what I've seen so far, this is only likely if your stereotypes are based solely on Huffty from The Word. If your concept of lesbianism derives more from straight male girl-on-girl fantasy - all glossy lips, big hair and lingerie - you're unlikely to reel too crazily with the shock of it all.

In this week's Guardian Guide, Stephanie Theobald points this out:

... I'm throwing an L Word party, although it isn't like the TV version. Everything is glamorous in The L Word, where the gal pals congregate in a bar similar to Central Perk in Friends, and everyone is cute and shiny and drinks skinny lattes and has plenty of money and is not a psychopath, and I want to know where this place is. I tell her that most lesbian gatherings involve women in advanced stages of alcohol poisoning with loo-brush hairdos and flat shoes slipping around on soggy cigarette butts in bars where they think you're trying to be posh if you ask for ice in your drink.

"Well ..." Beals hesitates. "I guess it does take place in LA ..."

Theobald does, however, make a convincing case for this being a necessary evil:

Pushing lesbianism to the mainstream is all about Trojan horses, ie strategy. Dress up lesbianism in Victorian boots and corsets (see Tipping The Velvet) and you get primetime space on the BBC. Make the chicks in The L Word shave their legs and have some sensitive men hanging around and you can get yourself a second series. Once your horse has slipped through the paddock doors of "the men upstairs", ie the TV bods who decide what constitutes contemporary culture, then you can ask why non-airbrushed chicks are unacceptable - and, naturally, that's not only a lesbian issue.

What do y'all think? Anyone seen it?
Cat Chant
14:18 / 05.09.04
Not yet. I will probably like it, because the few times I have seen girls having sex with each other on TV I have been delighted, and it sounds like there is a relatively hott tuff butch in it.

On the other hand, though, I don't like Sex in the City, Ally McBeal, The OC, The West Wing, The Sopranos, the American Queer as Folk, or Nip/Tuck (or, I suspect, Six Feet Under but then I've never seen it), so who can tell? Roll on Wednesday.
22:05 / 05.09.04
... it sounds like there is a relatively hott tuff butch in it.

She hasn't made it onto the Underground posters, then...
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:52 / 05.09.04
gah. dashed here to start the thread. Pre-empted by a boy. How embarrassing.

Am as well-informed as 'nesh, ie a few glossy profiles and a couple of broadsheet previews, but it sounds pretty dodgy to me.

However, like Deva, if it actually manages to show women having realistic sex with each other, I will be astonished and very pleased.

So who do we know with Living TV, so we can attempt some actual critique?
00:20 / 06.09.04
I have Living. Well, my parents have living. They better start realising Wednesdays 10pm is Triplet's special lesbian privacy time.
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:17 / 06.09.04
Apparently it seems there are no lesbians with short hair in Los Angeles. The 'butch' character, Shane, looks vaguely androgynous in the stills but is either not on the Tube posters or has been blanded-out (fans of short-lived cult telly may be interested to know that the actress, Katherine Moennig, played the girl who disguised herself as a boy in order to attend the all-boys school in Young Americans).

The involvement of Lisa Cholodenko (Six Feet Under, High Art, Laurel Canyon) is usually a good sign, but she's only directing one episode.
pointless and uncalled for
09:07 / 06.09.04
Saw the opener and it genuinely is soapoperatastic. Everyone is beautiful and even the so called butch is partial to nicely tailored "tuff" clothes and makeup applied with all of the precisions of a makeup crew.

Overturning lesbian stereotypes? Not really. More combining all the personality sterotypes with the FHM stereotype of all lesbians are hot with perky tits and don't mind each other eyeing up your girlfriend.

As for the sex, well apart from a brief girlie grope scene in the pool it was mainly het, albeit fucking while talking about the hot lesbo sex, and a brief molesting of the het girl at a party because that's going to make her leave her boyfriend for sure. Although the angsty head in the doctors office had me laughing quite a bit.

Not really that surpised, it really is American QAF for girls with a bit more money, a B list cast and a far tamer script.

It'll probably make good trash midweek viewing once the characters have established and the inevitable "het girl gets drunk and sleeps with a woman" happens.

Hopefully some UK company will reciprocate on the whole QAF thing and turn out something more gritty and real.
Cat Chant
10:18 / 06.09.04
I have living, BiP - do you want to sort out a regular tape-mailing dealie? I'm going to have to video it anyway because Wednesday night is my regular Angel date with my friends.
17:47 / 06.09.04
Hey, look! A proper butch, at the back on the left!

Hang on, no. That's a bloke. A verrry smug-looking bloke...
23:11 / 06.09.04
But seriously, where's the butch girl?
23:14 / 06.09.04
No idea. The one in the front row wearing a denim shirt (ie. something other than black or white)?
pointless and uncalled for
07:51 / 07.09.04
That's the one. It seems that their definition of butch is a bit tomboyish with a catty attitude. It becomes hard to distinguish when most of the rest of the cast are defined by [loose stereotype] + catty attitude.

Still, no need to dispair, I see some critical role changes rolling in mid-series if it goes that far and the closeted tennis player (brown-top, big necklace) will come out, butch up and spend the rest of the series in combats, on a motorbike and treating CAMS badly. Cue star turn from Rosie O'Donnell.

In fact I won't be surprised if every famous lesbian in the US turns up on this show to grab a bit of the "hey look we're glamourous and acceptable" pie.
Cat Chant
19:02 / 10.09.04
The hott butch is hott, and butch (= drawly and sprawly and devil-may-care). The sex left me completely cold - and also, it has to be said, slightly confused (what do lesbians do in bed?) due to the tendency to show two girls kissing, then drawing back slightly and panting orgasmically... wherefore? I do not know, for they show only down to the shoulders.

There is a straight girl who has a Perfect Boyfriend, yet is locked in tortured addiction-type passion with some girl that she sneaks off to spend the night in; she is hilariously Radcliffe-Hall-esque: me and my gf spent most of the episode shouting "Now CRY!" at her, and she obligingly did. ("Oh, the terrible pain of the invert!")

On the 'gorgeous' thing - I think I'd be marginally more annoyed if TV had decided that heterosexual women all had to fit a stereotype of thin, fair-skinned (ideally white), regular-featured etc, to be allowed on the telly but gay women didn't. Only marginally more annoyed, mind you, since it would have the pleasing side-effect of allowing me to look at women I found attractive rather than bland blondes.

It was kind of comforting watching a show with all lesbians in, but apart from that not really very interesting. Eep! And now I must go for I am missing Drew Barrymore in Never Been Kissed!
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:32 / 11.09.04
Thankyou for that report from the frontline. But I do hope you didn't neglect Delicious Drew for too long. That would be a crime.

(and a mailing deal would be lovely, D, but it can assuredly wait 'till the end of the series. How about I swop you a gallon of Sopranos. or if not. a brace of Lynch films?)
Disco is My Class War
09:49 / 15.06.05
Alrighty then. I've been downloading the first few episodes of the second season -- anyone still watching it? Like most, I was unimpressed at first -- but then I got over the haircuts, soap opera conventions and general hyperyuppie set design/costuming and found myself hooked. I think the Trojan Horse scenario is accurate: they started off with the sraight couple being the focus, and then after the first six episodes that plotline disappeared into the dyke drama.


Plus, this is the first time I've seen a confused 'straight' girl in a lesbian romance coming out smelling of greed, manipulation and deceit rather than sweet, innocent, blameless confusion. I mean, Marina ends up looking like an idiot as well, but they set up this great power dynamic foodchain: boyfriend gets manipulated by Jenny, who gets manipulated by Marina, who gets manipulated by her high-powered domme-shell girlfriend Francesca.

I am particularly loving the Ivan/Kit romance, which looked like it was going to peter out at the end of the first season but is actually developing... maybe. I still find it amazing that an ongoing dyke/trannyboy character has appeared on a show I regularly watch. Kelly Lynch doesn't do half bad. And the Season two opener features a nice litle sequence detailing trannyboy senstivity issues around being seen naked, having people ogle your packing dicks, being unbound in front of people. Which was also done sensitively. Pam Grier is superrrrrrrrb.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:03 / 15.06.05
Series 2 starts tonight in the UK, and it'll be the first time I've seen it. Clashes with rare repeats of Chancer but you have to make hard choices in this life, sometimes.
14:19 / 15.06.05
Season two takes a while to find it's stride. It's not quite as fun and soaptastic as season one. Still compelling enough to make me watch season three though.
Tryphena Absent
16:00 / 15.06.05
Thank god this is shown on Wednesday's so I don't have to watch Chancer.
Regrettable Juvenilia
22:06 / 15.06.05
Well I must say I don't know what all the fuss is about this Shane character...

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