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Baby prison - an infringement of human rights?

Cave Painter
14:50 / 03.09.04
The government plans to bring in Baby prison for naughty infants, but will this be the thin end of the wedge of the erosion of freedoms we would like to take for granted before all of our inevitably pointless deaths?

and - what colour should I paint my cave?

and - I've not been to Barbelith for at least a year. What have I missed. in ten words... or only one word... if that's all that's necessary.
18:22 / 03.09.04
what have you missed? Monkeys, but everyone misses the monkeys, it's because their invisible you see.

The baby prison sounds stoopeed. I very much doubt anything will come to fruition though.
8===>Q: alyn
18:39 / 03.09.04
Well, I have to say this is typical of these pro-life assholes.

What you missed is that I'm in charge of Barbelith now and I'm driving it into the ground. Fuck your ten words.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
11:45 / 06.09.04

Which government? Where? When? Says who? Whaddaya mean, "Baby Prison"? Who are you anyway? WTF? OMG? BBQ?
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:17 / 06.09.04
What have I missed. in ten words...

It's been almost entuirely overrun by random halfwits like yourself.
14:27 / 06.09.04
"Baby Prison"? Is this an Endemol thing? Will I need cable?
14:28 / 06.09.04
Are we talking about play pens?
unheimlich manoeuvre
16:18 / 06.09.04
or maybe kindergarten? it is admittedly a brutal regime with compulsory bible readings, vicious games of bulldog and bullies nicking your milk money.

as for barbelith... well it's true qalyn succeeded in his coup d'etat. tom is now at a cloister in elba.
flufeemunk effluvia
16:20 / 06.09.04
They's ter'rist babies? Them terr'ists best get locked up f'rever.
22:20 / 06.09.04
depending on circumstances those babies could get release from one day to a hundred plus years.
22:29 / 06.09.04
'Paedo parents storm baby prison' was the title of a story we ran last night and have since found to be untrue.
Raw Norton
01:20 / 07.09.04
err...y'know this could be a horrible case of confusion: in a legal sense, anyone who's not yet reached the age of majority (18 in the States; somehow I suspect it'd be closer to 16 in the UK) is considered an "infant." Thus every juvenile detention center under the sun is a "jail for infants." This *might* explain things.

Yep. Suppostion and misinformed posts. That's what you've missd.
16:11 / 07.09.04
On the subject of "baby prisons," there is also the fact that some anti-abortion-Amendment advocates* justify the "mother's health" clause by calling the abortion "justified use of deadly force in self-defense." This is apparently what happens when "full rights for the unborn" are taken to a certain point.

To go only one small step further (since we're already way out here), if an endangered mother can use deadly force in self-defense, then surely the unborn citizen is considered to be an assailant? If the in utero infant "succeeds" in killing the mother, then they must surely be guilty of homicide, or at least some lesser related charge ("involuntary manslaughter?").

And so: baby prison.


*I'm thinking specifically of Sen. Rick Santorum, as per his recent NPR interview
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