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Fun with Hermes

Skeleton Camera
01:56 / 03.09.04
So this summer I invoked Hermes. Did so spontaneously one day, whilst driving super-fast down a freeway, listening to trance techno, and thinking over an upcoming school interview. It seemed right, so I invoked him and went headlong into New York City.
I left coins at a travel agency I spotted just upon arrival as an offering. Later on, walking downtown, I turn a corner and there is an EIGHT-FOOT BRONZE STATUE of Hermes right on the street. After collecting myself, I offered more coins and expressed thanks.
Since then I would invoke Hermes for various communication situations, but slacked off in terms of devotion. In the chaos of a recent move and exciting reunions with old friends I did very little ritual or devotional work at all.

Then my internet connection starts to go, someone hacks my email server, my phone battery is dying for no reason. It eventually clicks.... So I hold an simple but extremely powerful ritual, the kind in which EVERYTHING JUST FEELS RIGHT. And as I'm dancing - upon unconscious demand - I have VISUALS of Hermes dancing with me. Visuals are NOT a big part of my magical experience but these were undeniable. Some offerings, some frank discussion and bargaining, and things are good again!

Gypsy, in a PM, mentioned that after much practice and "acquainting," The Powers become "scarily physical." Sounds right!
03:16 / 03.09.04
You mean:

Yeah, I love it.
Skeleton Camera
03:36 / 03.09.04
HA! Ye cunning dog. No, I ne'er swung by Grand Central (coming in via Port Authority). Instead, I was walking about the East Village - St. Mark's area, turned a corner, and some antique shop had put an 8 FOOT BRONZE STATUE OF HERMES right out on the sidewalk. Right there.

Now, indeed, the majestic terminal of Grand Central may be a Hermetic shrine like no other...but I missed it. Go figure. Hermes is shaking his head and thinking, "Fine! I'll put an 8-foot statue right in front of you, dumbass!"
13:30 / 03.09.04
That's fantastic!!

Just like Grant M says : "It's always a surprise when it actually works, isn't it?" That feeling never gets old. I love it.
13:52 / 03.09.04
Well, I totally understand the feeling. I met both Thoth and Horus in Central Park this December. Do you remember me raving about it, Finderwolf?
Skeleton Camera
19:22 / 03.09.04
What? Elaborate-ify, ImpulsiveLad!
20:00 / 03.09.04
Okay, after visiting the obelisk in central park (built by the pharaoh Thothmes III, whose name means “Thoth is born”) I saw a hawk swoop in and land on a near by street lamp. I was really surprised since I didn’t even know hawks lived in the city, but there it was.

This kinda put me in a slight altered state and I kept walking til I got to a fountain where a strange man was rocking a fiddle. I didn’t know who he was but I was entrances and moved enough to give him a few buck for his enchanting performance. The man, of course, was named Thoth.

Talk about entering a virtual reality!
Orrin's Prick Up Your Ears
13:33 / 04.09.04
Fantastic, ImpulsiveLad!

Nearest I came to that was meeting the devil in Cambridge, but that was a long time ago. Well, 'meeting' is the wrong word. We didn't speak or anything. Shame.
02:04 / 05.09.04
>> Okay, after visiting the obelisk in central park (built by the pharaoh Thothmes III, whose name meaning “Thoth is born”

Yeah, I totally remember you telling me about this. But I didn't know you met Thoth - that's a great story, too!

I had seen the name above as "Tutmose", so I didn't realize the Thoth connection to the NYC obelisk. Nice!
Skeleton Camera
02:18 / 05.09.04
That is AMAZING, ImpulsiveLad. Above and beyond!
15:36 / 06.09.04
I had seen the name above as "Tutmose", so I didn't realize the Thoth connection to the NYC obelisk. Nice!

Yeah, there are several variations, basically do to Anglo translations of hieroglyphic sounds (that no one alive has ever heard) so you're going to get a whole lot of differences in spelling, but the meaning is the same.

And yeah, it was amazing.
02:27 / 10.09.04
Seamus, about the dancing... I'm going t a club this Sunday and I want it to be, um, magickal. I want to radiate power. Basically, I want to be a mystical experience on two legs. I don't know where this need has come from. I go to clubs regularly but on Sunday it feels like it should be special. And instantly I thought of Hermes. I mean, I should’ve thought of Apollo for his connection to music but Hermes is the God that's pulling me. So can you suggest a simple ritual to generate the kind of effect I'm talking about? Anyone else?
rising and revolving
16:18 / 10.09.04
So, also about the dancing and for all the NYC peeps - any of you heading out to this?

Body Temple

If so, give us a shout - I'll be in town (down from sunny Montreal) and heading there with the missus. Would love to catch up with any so-inclined NYC Barbeloids.
16:55 / 10.09.04
I just might go to this -- I wanted to go to their last event but didn't make it. Who's goin'?
Skeleton Camera
01:22 / 11.09.04
Hermes makes perfect sense re: dancing. He's the God of communication, of speed, of trickery - dancing through life on fluid information, swiveling and slithering around people and places.... What do you dance HARD to? Not slam-dancing, though that could work, but what gets your groove on in a way nothing else does? Put it on. Start dancing. Keep it goin' until you are THERE, until all the movements synch and are spontaneous and the music is pulsing through you. Then call on Hermes. Nothing grand - be as direct as you want. Envision him as the EMBODIMENT of that music, its ideal figure, or just his eminent silver Self dancing right there. Call him forthright, ask him to guide you and be by your side.

When you go out, you are the coolest thing to ever hit the place. Make eye contact whenever you feel it's right. Don't shy away, don't lower your head, but don't act like an ass. Confidence, fluidity, not arrogance. And acknowledge Hermes while you're there. He should be with you, so treat him as you would a friend. Offerings are always popular.

If you have to drive, by the way, drive FAST and play said favorite music. The combination of the speed and the music-trance worked perfectly for me.
Skeleton Camera
02:54 / 12.09.04
Ahhh, the weekend...and some precious, if not extensive, breathing room between breathless class- and studio-runs.

I recently discovered that Hermes (in the form of Mercury) forms one of the post-Abyss paths on the Kabbalah. And last year was certainly an Abyss-crossing of great order - that last, final spasm of adolesence and self-limiting irresponsibility before you finally accept the Powers saying "Here! Use this and go do something!" And since then - beginning, as I said, over the summer, which was the "crashing" of the Abyss-wave - I've been in major touch with Hermes.

It has me thinkin'. Hermes is god of communication, deceit, language, trickery, and magic. The magician's role is, in return, largely that of Hermes. Many recent threads have been pointing to this: the discussion of Community, of Disguise, of fictionsuits and fictionspace even.

Hermes is one manifestation of a greater - what? - Power embodying the many qualities we identify as Hermes. So do we have Mercury, Legba, Eshu, Coyote, et al. They are NOT THE SAME ENTITIES, as relativism would say, but they are kaleidescopic emanations of a core Power. They interact with individuals and groups depending on the relationship (or "wavelength") of the individuals.

Hermes seems inseparable from a: practicing magic and b: by extension, the magician themselves. To be a magician is to embody the Hermetic role, to let Hermes flow through you, stretch and flex in your form, and to run around and have fun as/with you. There is a durational possession at work here - Hermes translating down into workable human form, not (just) flailing around in a circle but easing into the human realm and interacting with it for extended periods of time.

Any thoughts on this? I suppose what's trying to get out here is that Hermes is now everywhere in my reality tunnel, shimmering and flourescent, decked out in rave gear and smiling androgynously. And reading a lot. Hail 'im!
Spyder Todd 2008
21:16 / 15.09.04
Wait, I'm not completely cray! Hurrah!

I too have met up with the tricky bugger a few times, though I've never partied with him before. Alas.

But hurray for other meeting divine entites as well! Most excellent. How long have people had these kinds of meetings? I know I've met up with these... types of people once every few weeks for a few years. But I wonder but everyone else has going for them.
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