Ahhh, the weekend...and some precious, if not extensive, breathing room between breathless class- and studio-runs.
I recently discovered that Hermes (in the form of Mercury) forms one of the post-Abyss paths on the Kabbalah. And last year was certainly an Abyss-crossing of great order - that last, final spasm of adolesence and self-limiting irresponsibility before you finally accept the Powers saying "Here! Use this and go do something!" And since then - beginning, as I said, over the summer, which was the "crashing" of the Abyss-wave - I've been in major touch with Hermes.
It has me thinkin'. Hermes is god of communication, deceit, language, trickery, and magic. The magician's role is, in return, largely that of Hermes. Many recent threads have been pointing to this: the discussion of Community, of Disguise, of fictionsuits and fictionspace even.
Hermes is one manifestation of a greater - what? - Power embodying the many qualities we identify as Hermes. So do we have Mercury, Legba, Eshu, Coyote, et al. They are NOT THE SAME ENTITIES, as relativism would say, but they are kaleidescopic emanations of a core Power. They interact with individuals and groups depending on the relationship (or "wavelength") of the individuals.
Hermes seems inseparable from a: practicing magic and b: by extension, the magician themselves. To be a magician is to embody the Hermetic role, to let Hermes flow through you, stretch and flex in your form, and to run around and have fun as/with you. There is a durational possession at work here - Hermes translating down into workable human form, not (just) flailing around in a circle but easing into the human realm and interacting with it for extended periods of time.
Any thoughts on this? I suppose what's trying to get out here is that Hermes is now everywhere in my reality tunnel, shimmering and flourescent, decked out in rave gear and smiling androgynously. And reading a lot. Hail 'im! |