Dr Ganesh,
For a long time, I felt as if no one understood me, I felt alone, like someone looking in through a frost-covered window at a happy warm hearth on Christmas evening, while standing outside, nose pressed to the glass, in the cold, in the dark.
But all that changed recently when I met someone special. We went out, we had coffees, we talked about books and films, and I felt as if finally I'd met my soulmate, well we liked the same THINGS, y'know, though I never really got round to making a move, as such, I've always been reserved in social situations.
So I didn't realise how much I loved her until she told me she was moving to Liverpool, and then it hit me, what a fool I'd been, not to have told her how I'd felt, all that time. And now she's gone.
I mean to there, of all places - I gather they go by their feelings or some such, like in Bread, and frankly it scares me, the thought of that town.
So what should I do ? |