Yeah, but Anna, you're looking at this through a very specific " reality tunnel. "
Wouldn't a lot of the problems you've outlined above be solved by the simple expedient of getting fast-track jobs at say, Goldman Sachs, or related, not forgetting to delay cohabitation until your ships have come in, financially speaking ? Insofar as cooking, cleaning, balancing the budget, raising a family and so on, well you'd just get someone else in to deal with all that for you, it wouldn't be a big issue. Similarly, if one of you wanted a library that doubled most nights as a replica pub ( captain's wheel behind the bar, with a full set of optics, ) plus a foul-mouthed parrot with the run of the place, and the other a gym, you'd just need to save for a big enough house. And as for the romance, I suppose you'd be lucky enough to see each other for breakfast most days, never mind over a candlelit dinner, so again, no problem. Absence, as they say, makes the heart grown fonder. And that would apply to an even greater extent if one of you happened to run into difficulties with the authorities at some point, and had to go away for a while.
All I'm saying is that there are alternatives to the rather gloomy picture you've painted of love in the Twenty First century. |