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How do you file your mail?

12:42 / 01.09.04
I was thinking about reorganising my mail account last night, the reason being that my folders don't make sense. On the one hand, I have

+- Family
+- Friends
+- Friends UK
+- Friends US

but I also have

+- Codes
+- Companies
+- Amazon
+- Apple
+- ATT Wireless
+- Confirms

so, you see, I'm mixing up sender with content, which is just daft. I should have an overall mail foldering strategy. My current theory is that who the sender is is much easier to search for than what the mail is about, so I should be filing things into categories like "Banter", "Questions", "Pictures Of Kittens" and so on. I'm going to try this and see if it works.

Anyway: what do you do with your mail? Are you one of those messy "leave it all in the inbox" people? Do you delete everything after you read it? Do you use folders carefully? Can you actually find anything if you want to? Have you got any advice?

N.B. Gmail users can bugger off with their keywords and effective search functions.
14:23 / 01.09.04
Yahoo mail box:


are the defaults. I set it to save all sent mail because I have a terrible memory and also tend to delete things accidentally after sending replies.

The new folders I set up are arranged by theme, usually reflecting some project or subject I collect information on:

Adoptions (for links to/emails about both my own adoption and interracial adoption issues, articles, research, that sort of stuff).

Financials (Bills from Amazon, Paypal accounting, credit card statements, receipts for anything that I buy online)

Flying Robot (maillist run by Saveloy -- easier to read all in bulk)

Home Repair Stuff (links & articles about fixing things, renovating things -- not used much lately)

Ruehl (where I sent mail from Dr. Ruehl, who I used to ghostwrite a column for. I keep meaning to delete the folder, but can't bring myself to -- there are a few dozen unpublished column/ weird science Q&As in there)

adams animatics (scripts and stuff regarding an animation project I did soundtracks for. by Adam Ford, author, poet, geek.)

addresses and info (directions to people's houses, mostly)

foodstuffs (recipes, I think. I haven't used it in ages.)

forteana (UFO & paranormal phenomena I can't quite bear to delete)

mix tapes (emails for organizing mix tape swaps).

poetry and art (mainly a way to save emails with graphic attachments from artist friends, but also bizarre writings, largely from my friend Van, who I've written about in the Creation before)

rock and roll projects (anything having to do with recording, selling CDs, people or websites that were helpful, lyrics written at work and sent to myself)

wedding pix (a place where I stuck all the pictures of my wedding that people emailed to me.)

These folders may drift, new ones may open, old ones may vanish.
Char Aina
18:07 / 01.09.04

you want one?
18:55 / 01.09.04
I've got one. But it does rather eliminate the "filing" aspect since you don't really have to.

I'd prefer that sort of interface all the time but practically, an IMAP box is better for me.
Benny the Ball
19:04 / 01.09.04
I'm very over fussy about my in-box (and desk top for that matter - I hate any clutter on my computer) so everything gets filed. I try to keep things in open as a pending, but when the number gets too high it starts to bug me.

As it stands my filing is (on mac Mail);

Amy - my love, ahhhhh!
Computer - general things like updates, sent links, serial numbers etc
Football - have to orgainise matches and keep everyone up on details (I'm a Captain!!)
Games - silly links, lottery tickets, fantasy football etc
House Stuff - bill, payment receipts, inventory notes etc
Personal - never really use it, if I do it's for a mail that someone has sent that I don't want to delite just yet, so in here until I choose what to do with it
Receipts - work stuff, expenses, DVD's and books from amazon and stuff
Work - cv's sent, work emails being actioned etc

and that's it.
the cat's iao
01:41 / 02.09.04
File? Hmm, that sounds like a novel idea!
06:26 / 02.09.04
I use email at work a lot. I usually let them build up in my inbox for a week or two then have a cull, deleting most of the personal stuff and saving most of the work stuff. My folders are:
To do
Suggested links
Weekly Reports
Work functions
FOBs -Asia
Work Archive
DB Chat
Less searchable M0rd4nt
08:26 / 02.09.04
I have 2 files, Inbox and Stuff.
14:18 / 02.09.04
Same here, Inbox and Saved. Who needs filing when you can quickly and easily find whatever you're looking for just by arranging your emails by sender, subject or date?
Grey Area
14:35 / 02.09.04
Biblical System: Seek and ye shall find. One enormous meta-folder containing everything. Plus a really good memory for when e-mails arrived and gratuitous use of the sort by date/name/size functions.
01:41 / 04.09.04
*looks at Inbox*

--- Mailing List 1
--- Mailing List 2
--- Stuff [Everything from the Inbox that needs saving, passwords, receipts, important e-mails, fanmail [yeah right], and employer reponses]

Hmm, there is actually some semblance of self-ordering process in my life. Huzzah, I am sentient!
22:37 / 09.05.05
Anyone still have an extra gmail invite? I'm in need of an account, so any help would be really great. Thanks.
23:58 / 09.05.05
inbox mainly, but i have here at work

allan (boss)
saved (from a certain someone)
zephyrs (band)
jo (another someone)
home (from me to me - i love getting mail!! : ) )

tend to cull at the time, or never - so inbox is massive!

home tends to be the same, a few filing folders but mainly i find they're already filed by date received!

i use eudora here and it has an excellent search capacity. use crappy microsoft mail thing at home - bleuhkk... what do others use??
Captain Zoom
01:27 / 10.05.05
Wow. How old school am I? I read the topic and the abstract and automatically assumed you were talking about snail mail.
Rachel Melmoth
03:16 / 10.05.05
If it makes you feel better, I'm only 23 and thought the same thing...
08:23 / 10.05.05
PatrickMM: "Anyone still have an extra gmail invite? I'm in need of an account, so any help would be really great. Thanks."

Ask and ye shall receive... on its way to you now.

I've plenty of invites left if anyone else wants one, too.
09:06 / 10.05.05
Make of this what you will...

Junk E-Mail (13)
Sent Messages
Trash Can
Love notes
Magickal Friends
Mourne Kransky
09:29 / 10.05.05
Filing, moi? I'm an executive, sweetie. My time is far too valuable.
10:47 / 10.05.05

Hee, you have to explain that... But if only it was:

+ Hellboy
11:08 / 10.05.05
Blimey, this thread again.

Actually, my foldering has entirely changed now. I still have the old mailbox from before, pretty much unchanged, though I think I amalgamated the "Friends" and "Family" boxes into one large one called "Chat".

However, I tend to use Gmail for day-to-day purposes, now that it has POP3, because it has far by the best webmail interface of any of the ones I've tried, as well as mondo storage so I can save all the blog comments I receive, reported post emails and so on without really thinking about it.

Gmail has labels, not folders, and so far I've defined:

> Asshats
> Comments
> Family
> Friends
> Lists
> Pictures
> Shopping
> Site mail
> Travel
> Urban75
> Web Design

which are not mutually exclusive, so a message could be tagged "Family" and "Pictures" if it's got an attached JPG from my dad. Some of them are auto-filing with filters, some aren't. If I need to find anything outside of these categories I can always search for it, which is very quick.

When it comes to downloading these messages at home, I can't tag, but I only use two folders - "Archive" and "Seaton Design" (the latter being stuff about a website I was doing for my parents which were not easily identifiable with searches and rules) - because Spotlight on OS X is so fast and convenient, and indexes saved mail. If I want to find something I can just press CTRL-Space, type in a word that might be in it and it'll pop up in seconds.

I sometimes think I should file things a bit better in case I'm ever on a system that doesn't have this sort of searching power, but I think it really is the wave of the future - I can't really see myself ever being handicapped by this sort of disorganisation.

Does this mean I've got less anal since last September?
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