NEVER make someone you are in a close relationship with teach you to drive.
seconded. sadly, my best friend of 16 years just got his learners license (this is a good thing). I have the only car he can possibly drive (this is a bad thing). In my backwater Canadian province, we have a graduated licensing system (this is good thing). This means he can only drive with someone else present, under 60kph, and not at night (this is a bad thing, as night driving on an empty road is a lot less stressful than dealing with other people during rush hour). He has nerves of steel and a heart of pure goodness (good thing). By the graduated licensing laws, I cannot be drunk, stoned, or asleep while he drives (bad thing, as I have nerves of glass and a heart of pure hatred where driving with my friend is concerned). And, y'know, I was going to offer some advice, but it's quickly becoming apparent to me that I could use some. Quickly, as we're heading to a cottage this weekend.
My driving test went relatively well. I'd say perfect, save for the "three-point parking" exercise. Wherein I executed a perfect three point turn (2.5, if we're being exact) straight into a parallel parking position. Upon being instructed to leave said position, I hit the gas. Hard. With the car in reverse. I estimate (in golden retrospect) about a micron's distance between my instructor's car and the car parked behind me as the brakes locked, and time hang like a guillotine. I recall turning to the tester and saying something like : "I'm sorry, I'm extremely nervous. Terrified, in fact. I'm really sorry." Put the car in drive, left the spot, aced the test (well, passed. she had to dock me that gargantuan fuck-up). Moral of the story: always be a courteous driver, especially when you fuck up.
(And if my friend is reading this, no worries, mate. Rest assured, I'll quit quitting drugs and be stoned to the point of gill-soaked bliss by the time you get behind the wheel. Don't say I never do anything for you, eh? The rest of you should get off the sidewalks.) |