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The comedown thread

No star here laces
08:51 / 26.08.04
I had four dihydrocodeines last night. I feel like shit today. Why go on living.
08:56 / 26.08.04
'Laces, you're so hip! No one else even knows what they are! He's like a character out of a William Gibson novel, isn't he, everyone?

Funny, I'm going to start a thread on ravey business a bit later on...
09:02 / 26.08.04
Well apparently Courtney Love also favours them. I don't know if that is a big recommendation, but there you go.
09:12 / 26.08.04
Have you been starting flamewars with Fred Durst again, Jefe?
09:36 / 26.08.04
I've just come down. I've come down for the day, in fact, and I intend to walk along the seafront, have a panini, possibly an icecream if the weather improves. Then I'll go back up again. I can reccomend coming down to anyone.
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:38 / 26.08.04
Hahahah LOL OMG Illmatic OTM!

If it's any consollation, Laces, I had a hangover that lasted for three days earlier this week - that must be some kind of record...
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:39 / 26.08.04
Where are both Ex and myself afflicttedd with an extra conssonnannnt probblemmmmmm?
pointless and uncalled for
09:54 / 26.08.04
It's a symptom of neual degredation and only Henry Rollins really knows what its all about.
pointless and uncalled for
09:55 / 26.08.04
I appreciate the irony just as much as you.
09:58 / 26.08.04
I'm totally spaced out today after a week of total smoking, quite boring in comparison but it's making the day at work interesting...

I thought this was a Countdown thread, that would be great - I saw Richard Whitley once he's very short.
11:02 / 26.08.04
I hate the way the day after a really heavy smoking session you have absolutely no motivation or energy, and in my case it seems to knock 40 points of my IQ. This often makes mondays very difficult.
Hattie's Kitchen
11:07 / 26.08.04
I spent Sunday night off my face on a few pills, but had the foresight to book Monday off work - I got home at 3pm on Monday and eased into my comedown with a spliff and by playing Manhunt (again)- depending on how many pills I do, it usually comes back to haunt me big-time later on in the week when I get cranky and tired, but I'm feeling quite spritely at the moment.
11:34 / 26.08.04
I had to give up pills as the comedowns were awful. The next day was fine but about a week later I just got terribly depressed as well as over-emotional and teary. I just used to burst into tears at the drop of a hat.
Not being female I don't really know but it's what I imagine PMS must be like (possibly).
Eventually it got to the point where the comedowns lasted for weeks and I figured the lows out-weighed the highs. I still kind of miss doing the odd pill now and again.
11:58 / 26.08.04
I had four dihydrocodeines last night.

Wooh, DF118! Getting allll nostalgic for Edinburgh psychiatry now: Craigmillar worthies pitching up to demand their "DFs" because they'd already guzzled their prescribed dose (often with alcohol, which seems to induce enraged trashing of one's flat). If one's really going 'council chic', one refers to them as "my difs".

True to form, I had to break my arm before anyone offered me a dif...
pointless and uncalled for
12:18 / 26.08.04
DHCs and alcohol for a heartstopping ride inside your own body.

No star here laces
01:15 / 27.08.04
See! these people have heard of them! And you soapy little fucks don't accuse them of being bad sci-fi characters.

Well fuck you all. I think I have a Manhattan-induced ulcer today. Tonight I'll have to go out again. WHEN IS MY HOUSE GUEST GOING TO GO HOME AND LET ME STAY HOME WITH WARCRAFT??????

ANd another thing: since when is my maid allowed to tell my brother about my sex life????? I thought we had an UNDERSTANDING?

Motherfucking bitch fuck damn.
flufeemunk effluvia
02:24 / 27.08.04
Thats awfully saucy, jefe.

You have a maid.
the Fool
05:23 / 27.08.04
All I have to say is crystal meth is an evil evil drug. Don't just eat it! I suspect I got a chemical burn on my throat from it!!! YIKES!!! I feel awful, have a really sore throat, and seem to be coming down with the flu. Its one giant serve of crapola at the moment...
Alex's Grandma
06:26 / 27.08.04
Well yes TF, and ( in the voice of Ka from the Jungle Book, or WS Burroughs reading Naked Lunch, )

" You may need a little of this to calm yourself down, kid. "

But don't listen. Drink for a bit until you feel tired, have a couple of jazz cigs, and you should be ok.

And if in doubt put on Exile On Main Street - however bad you feel, that always works.
No star here laces
06:31 / 27.08.04
I pity the fool. Meth has the worst comedown of any drug ever. Chuck down a couple of xanax and write off the day, is my advice.
10:30 / 27.08.04
I kicked my intravenous Moprphine addicion two months ago.... That was coming hard coming down from fuck!
10:30 / 27.08.04
I kicked my intravenous Moprphine addicion two months ago.... That was coming hard coming down from fuck!
12:22 / 27.08.04
well, i went out last night and got well and truly arseholed, but only on booze, for like the first time i god knows how long... usually the nite(morning) ends in pills and or nasty base speed and then feel like shit for 3 days after (always hits me on the second day worse for some reason), but despite feeling a bit fuzzy today, i feel refreshed that its just a good old fashioned booze headache, which i know will go in a few hours. woo!
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