I saw a movie a couple of years back. It's Italian [watched it with English subs] and the plot is something like this: old guy finds some kind of gold amulet gadget that looks like a scarab, he's dying or getting on in years and not taking it well. He puts on this amulet-gadget, or he's holding it and it bites him, and it hooks into his chest and begins sucking blood out like a leech. This gets the device pumping. Later he realises the machine has somehow rejuvenated him, he starts to grow hair back and the wrinkles disappear off his hands etc
During the movie the guy is kept company by his grand-daughter/niece. As the movie goes on the guy start to get young but it starts changing him in other ways. He can't eat any more and he's starting to get pale. Bela Lugosi pale. Sunlight begins to bake him like a clay oven.
At some point the girl open the device and inside there's this weird insect thing bound inside and hooked up to gears and pipes. Apparently the amulet is just a cage for this bug which is slowly turning this guy into a vampire.
My memory of it is hazy now, I remember that someone tries to buy or steal the amulet off the guy, some other dude who wants to live for ever. The old guy/vampire legs it off. Maybe his niece becomes one by the end of the film, not sure.
One sequence that stands out is the guy begins peeling his skin off like an orange, revealing a big patches of muscular marble white skin.
I remember being really into this when it was on due to the 'foreigness' of the whole thing and spin on the whole vampire mythos.
Any ideas? |