Rrrgh. No fun.
I find a smile and a friendly hello does amazing things with bus drivers. So many people are sullen or grumpy at them, they seem to think it's a apecial favor if you're nice.
In my city, they cycle the drivers through different routes every couple of months. By the time they've been on my route a week or two they know me, since I ride at the same time every day, and are generally quite nice. There was a fellow who used to pick me up in the afternoons for a while last year, and for some reason he got in the habit of calling me "Your Majesty" (nicely, not in a sarcastic way), which always made me feel pretty and regal. Well, last week they apparently moved him from wherever he's been onto the route I take in the morning. I popped onto the bus and immediately he says, "Well, hello, Your Majesty!" How many thousands of people ride these buses and the guy remembers me? It's been a year! Made me smile.
Another thing that made me smile: This morning I went to the little coffee shop a couple of doors up from my office, and while I'm waiting on my mocha, a homeless man shuffles in with his big bag of collected objects. I've seen him around downtown a lot. I get the impression he's just one of those people that has a hard time making it in society because of a slight mental handicap. He sort of casts around the place, looking a bit puzzled, and then shuffles up to the counter behind me. The man behind the counter is squirting whipped cream on my mocha, but he looks over his shoulder and says, "Good morning, Todd." "G'morning, David," says the homeless guy. David takes my pay, makes change, and while I'm juggling my change and my cup and my bag, David is making Todd a cup of coffee - obviously his usual, since he didn't order anything - and chatting with him about the weather, how's his back feeling, and so on. Yay. People are nice and life is good.
There's a Starbuck's literally across the street from this place, by the way. When my boss wants coffee he walks past this coffee shop to get to the Starbuck's. He was so relieved when they opened it. He used to speak in hushed tones about all the people with the piercings and tattoos at the coffee shop. Scary scary, tattooed people. He doesn't know I have a tattoo. I may tell him when I quit. |