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How does one go crazy?

06:28 / 23.08.04
say like, you're bored or whatever, well like how would you go about going crazy? do you just like take lots of drugs like my neighbors that live in a halfway house...or what? and furthermore, have you ever gone crazy?
Michelle Gale
10:14 / 23.08.04
I know i've been going on about anti-snobbery and stuff but....jesus
Jack Fear
10:31 / 23.08.04
Mental debilitation for entertainment value? So-o-o-o-o played out.

Why not try physical debilitation instead? Cripple yourself! You can amputate a leg pretty easily with a standard toolkit hacksaw. Just remember to tourniquet yourself tightly—you wouldn't want to actually die of blood loss. Don't forget to put some newspapers down on the floor, too—things will get a bit messy.

Voila! Your days of boredom are over, as you're plunged into a new and fascinating world of altered balance, phantom pain, massive inconveniences in day-to-day life, and the stares of strangers! Hang up your dancing shoes and dust off your crutches, boy—gimpery awaits you!
15:51 / 23.08.04
You wanna live like psychotic people?

Well, being born with the right genes helps; you can't beat a bit of genetic loading toward good ol' schizophrenia. In order to help those twiddly little genes express themselves, it's usually necessary to ingest a certain quantity of drugs - amphetamines are best, but hallucinogens and cannabinoids aren't bad if taken in huge quantities (the latter swallowed rather than smoked) - the exact quantity depends on individual dopamine sensitivity. You may find you have to knock back loooads of speed, day in day out, over the course of several years, to achieve the desired schizophreniform effect. Avoiding sleep, food and water helps the process along.

Traumatic life events can prove serendipitous. Try to fall in love with someone with a heart condition (sudden deaths are all the more mind-bending), or likely to divorce you, ideally against your wishes. Or, as Jack suggests, mutilate yourself in a sufficiently life-changing way - put your legs on a railway track, stick forks in your eyes, or knitting needles through your eardrums - and, if you're lucky, depression will follow.

A lifetime of poverty-line exclusion and social stigmatisation awaits!

Have I ever gone crazy? During the worst of my years as a junior doctor - and this was before they changed the guidelines on maximum working hours - I think prolonged sleep deprivation, bad diet and lack of boredom brought me low. If I'd walked into my own consulting room, I'd probably have diagnosed me with at least mild-to-moderate depression. It wasn't a fun, kerrrazzzeee experience, though; I wouldn't recommend it as a way of enriching your life.

If you're that bored, you might want to do some volunteer work with psychiatrically-ill people. See if you want to live there.
19:34 / 23.08.04
yeah well, obviously I'm stupid, and bored, and younger than everyone else here, so of course I'm gonna post shit that'll lead to ridicule and I guess its okay, so long as it makes you feel better or whatever. obviously I was thinking about this in a cartoon way and bored*.

but I do appreciate your straight answer Ganesh.

its just that I've started reading this book called The Price of Greatness where the guy goes on about that like creativity and genius are linked with insanity to some extent....I have to finish it.

I am stupid, and hopefully this thread'll drop like lump of lead and never come back (I'm really embarrassed and apologize if my idiocy offended anyone and exercise more discretion in the future before posting a thread).
19:48 / 23.08.04
could a moderator delete this thread or something?
20:03 / 23.08.04
Personally, while I think there's some truth in the 'genius close to madness' thing, I think it's vastly overstated. It's true that some individuals (usually on the manic-depressive continuum, toward the manic end) are able to derive glittering insights from their illness. It's truer, however, that the far, far greater majority experience psychiatric illness as painful, terrifying, exhausting or, in the chronic state, emotionally/psychologically/socially debilitating in the extreme.

Drug-induced states of consciousness are one thing; inducing longer-term illness is another. You might like to visit briefly, but attempting to live there is a bad idea.
20:58 / 23.08.04
I'm going to move for this to be in convo, since the topic isn't really specifically scientific. Whether it actually moves or not, totally different story.
the cat's iao
01:04 / 24.08.04
If you get a bell large enough to put your head in, and then you put your head in, and then you ring it, eventually, you'll go insane.

You'll go insane.

It was used as a method of torture.

And you'll go insane.
01:45 / 24.08.04
Well, according to Flesh for Lulu, I go crazy when I'm without Hugh.

Have you seen Hugh lately?
10:37 / 24.08.04
This is the closest thing to crazy I have ever been. Singing a drippy ballad.
10:47 / 24.08.04
You know, I always thought Russ Abbot's idea of a "Comedy Madhouse" was a great one- just inhabited by people with amusing insanities, rather than unpleasant and disturbing ones. But then, I seem to remember also craving an Alphabet Zoo...
12:19 / 24.08.04
I have no problem with this topic. Insanity is a thing that happens to some of us from time to time, it's happened to me several times and, although it isn't "fun", as such, it is something that I do feel I've benefited from as far as the rest of my life is concerned. One realises the joy of the lucid moments and, somewhat perversly, the freedom of the insane bits.

Honestly! I'm genuinely not taking the piss here. The best way to appreciate being "sane" is to know what it's like not to be from time to time.

I'm certainly not advocating the active persuit of insanity through drugs or generally reckless and stupid behaviour but, if one has the predisposition towards "losing it " occasionally then I have to say that there's definately something to said for not fighting it from time to time.

Taking lots of drugs will almost certainly contribute towards attaining insane enlightenment although, in my experience, the kind of insanity achieved by such extraneous input isn't generally the most fulfilling. In fact, that kind sucks big time. It's the periods of fanatical obsession which are led to by completely ignoring the sensible voices in your mind that tell you not to do stupid things that are truly the most satisfying. You just need to find the right stimuli for your own personality. In my case it's... no, that would be giving away far too much. Find your own!
12:37 / 24.08.04
There are lots of ways to go crazy...

--You could lose your hand in a train accident, then find out the new hand they sewed on to you was the hand of a MURDERER!

--You could spend too much time studying Krell technology.

--You could read the Necronomicon.

--You could work for Dracula.
pointless and uncalled for
12:50 / 24.08.04
I understand that the leading cause of going batshit insane in the 80's was listening to Huey Lewis and the News.

As a society we need to learn from this.
16:04 / 24.08.04
...the freedom of the insane bits

Well, if you're manic perhaps.

Personally, I remember feeling liberated by depression and chronic anxiety.
17:37 / 24.08.04
Well, Method, I think this is an interesting topic well worth to discuss. I remember posting something similar at some point. As I see it, going temporarily insane (keyword being temporarily) could be extremely interesting. You could learn about the illness from the inside and being delusional for a while might make you more careful about just accepting what you normally think is reality.
Being very into mental reprogramming, myself, that was the method I was thinking about then. Permanent physical mutilation would probably be a bad idea, since it violates the whole tmeporary idea. Perhaps minor physical damage could be used. I imagine waking up to find your arm covered in needles would be quite traumatising.
The basic problem, as I see it, is once you've gone insane, how do you come back? Can you do it yourself, or do you need someone else to step in and bring you back?
Undermost Salamander
18:05 / 24.08.04
ignore all social niceties.

start by refusing to wear clothes or bathe. say anything rude that comes into your head, or don't say anything at all. or give everyone way too much information (like, if someone asks the way to the store, pretend you're directing them from a planet outside our solar system). turn lights on during the day, but never at night. every time you notice something that people usually do, don't do it.

if you don't feel insane, at least everyone else will think you are.
Queen Mob
18:46 / 24.08.04
...i really like Happy noodel boy. he is insane.
do you want to be like happy noodle boy
flufeemunk effluvia
02:40 / 27.08.04
Rampant, ceaseless destruction of property, both public and private.

If the destruction doesn't get you, the sudden ass-ramming from your future cellmate will!
Lord Morgue
12:22 / 27.08.04
You know what'd rule?
Going crazy in a completely unimaginative and cliché way.
You know, you could warm up by telling eveybody "Im MAAAAAD, me." and "Fish, bananas, etc. Eheheheheh!".
Then you could put a lampshade on your head at a party. And finally, NAPOLEON! Yes, the ultimate cliché mental illness fictionsuit for those who couldn't be arsed, NAPOLEON! In your pajamas.
15:20 / 27.08.04
I should stress that "don't" should be inserted after "Personally, I...".
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