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Just when I thought this place couldn't get any worse...

Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
18:32 / 19.08.04
So anyway, Detroit has always been a bit of a shithole, what with violent crime and arson being so popular. It's the tenth largest city in America and usually has the highest violent crime rate. This year though, for some reason, this city has kicked it up a notch. Shooting deaths have already increased 70 percent (Bam!), bring the total up to nearly 800 deaths in the first six months of this year (bam!), nearly a dozen of those being cops (bam?). With these statistics, I wonder how long before someone I know gets shot.

So things in the city are a bit on edge. The cops are paranoid as hell, and thanks to the new idea of policemen working mandatory twelve hour shifts, they're cranky too. Too much work, not enough men, not much support from the community. Poor bastards. I don't see how they do it.

Here's an example of Detroit madness: late night host Jimmy Kimmel made a joke that roughly runs "Detroit can't win the NBA finals, they'll burn the whole city down if they do," which was kind of clever. Everybody got really upset that he would poke fun of Detroit. It was all over the news for days. People seemed seriously hurt that Detroit was being viewed as dangerously crazy.

So the Detroit Pistons win the NBA finals (fuck you, L.A. Lakers!), and there actually were no major riots. I was kind of disappointed, but what the hell. No doubt everyone wanted to show the nation that we could celebrate without shooting or burning something. Fast forward one week later to the july fireworks display (a double celebration for America's Independence Day and Canada's whatever-they-call-it, Canada Day or whatever) where someone gets upset about a girl and fires indiscriminately into the crowd of watchers, hitting nine people. Luckily, only a few of them died.

That's the sort of thing that happens here. When someone opens fire, it's for stupid conflict resolution reasons and they almost always keep shooting until the gun is empty, which means plenty of bullets for everyone. The police blame gansta rap mentality, unemployment, drugs and plain old stupidity. There have been several shootings this year where the shooter, out to get a rival drug dealer, went to the wrong house and shot up everyone in it (including the kids). One guy did this two or three times before finding the right house, where he himself got shot a few times.

Stupid people, lots of guns, not many cops, and an almost desperate need for violence. This is Detroit. The city is diseased or something. It's sick. The people are crazy and have an almost admirable view of law and authority (that it's not really there if you don't want it to be. Cops are just another gang of folks with guns dressed in the same colors), admirable until you realize that it gets people killed on a nearly daily basis.

But hey, we're hosting the SuperBowl this year! Everybody come on up and have a great time! Watch the game! Get some food! Listen to some motown! Get shot in the ass!
Nobody's girl
22:03 / 19.08.04
Whoa. 800 murders in 6 months in one city...

After a cursory look for murder statistics in Edinburgh I found out that per 100,000 our murder rate is 2.4, our population is about 500,000 so that's 11.6 murders in Edinburgh per year (on average, obviously).

The most recent statistics I found on the Scottish Executive website about murder in Scotland as a whole can be found here.
If you look at the table at the top of the page you'll see murder statistics for all homicides in Scotland from 1993 to 2002. Scotland has a population of 6 million, since 1993 the highest homicide rate we've ever had has been 132 murders in 1995.

Johnny, I don't know how you can leave the house without Kevlar.
22:49 / 19.08.04
It's time to call the one man who can save old Detroit.

Serve the public trust, protect the innocent, uphold the law.
22:53 / 19.08.04
Seriously, mate. Stick your first paragraph as a voiceover in the movie and it would fit like a cap in someone's ass.
03:42 / 20.08.04
I'd just like to point out that Detroit does indeed have the highest murder rate of any city in the US. By far. In fact, like Johnny said it was 8x higher than that of New York City and on pace for over 500 murders in a city of roughly 950,000. Not too shabby.
Incidently, I was out with a girl who was trying to convince me that New York, Harlem in particular, was the scariest, most violent city in the US. I stopped arguing with her after she also argued that DMX was a far better rapper than Eminem because he has better "beats". does one argue with something like that?
the cat's iao
04:00 / 20.08.04
Yeah: fuck you L.A. Lakers! I thought it was brilliant how there were people driving around by the hotel they stayed in and honking their horns. That's bad. But I guess, by your description, the Lakers were lucky they weren't victims of random shots all night.

Seriously, your city sounds pretty crazy man. I mean, what else can I say? I don't even know how many murders there have been here...hold on a sec...hmm, can't find a recent stat, but 2001 & 2002 were both 15 people each year (out of a population of close to one million). I don't think it will be much higher than that this year.

What the hell are you doing still living there? I mean, have you considered moving? I do think you are right though: chances are good that someone you know will get killed.
Lord Morgue
04:30 / 20.08.04

pointless and uncalled for
06:33 / 20.08.04
The police blame gansta rap

This is what happen when the authorities start paying consultation fees to Goldie Looking Chain
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
08:55 / 20.08.04
In Greater Manchester (pop. 2,500,000) there were, on average, 1 murder and 11 rapes per week.

I can't comprehend what factors would cause a city to have 1600 murders per annum. It simply boggles the mind; it's over four killings each and every day!

Move. You've got to move. Simple as that.
10:15 / 20.08.04
I can't comprehend what factors would cause a city to have 1600 murders per annum. It simply boggles the mind; it's over four killings each and every day!

And those are just the murders which are known about.

South Africa's Johannesburg has a similar worryingly high crime rate. Looking at the officially released statistics for the years 1994 to 2002 inclusive, the average murder rate per annum is a little over 1000, with a similar figure being for attempted murders. Violent carjacking, the crime for which Joburg is infamous, averages a shocking 3000 per annum. Burglary rates are even higher.
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
14:01 / 20.08.04
Whoa. 800 murders in 6 months in one city...

Shooting deaths. That's not counting other kinds of homicides.

We need robocop. Or possibly Elvis. I can't decide which.
14:12 / 20.08.04
Combine the two. Robo-Elvis.
14:27 / 20.08.04
Compulsory shooting lessons? A bullet time mode?
Lord Morgue
14:52 / 20.08.04
No, I DON'T want my windshield wipe-you didn't. HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR RIBS, MOTHERFUCKER!?
16:30 / 20.08.04
From Lord Morgue's link: Police say they cannot see any legal problems with the blaster - so long as the right people are blasted.

That statement leaves me speachless, and more than a little worried.
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
14:12 / 01.11.04
Combine the two. Robo-Elvis.


I know it's an old thread, but I've been biting my tongue on that one for weeks and weeks.
Lilly Nowhere Late
15:15 / 01.11.04
When I lived in Atlanta GA, I came up with an idea to design a haute couture clothing line made all of bullet proof fabric with lots of little detail features such as integrated holsters.
Later, while I lived in Los Angeles some rap star stole my idea right out of my head as I was thinking it and actually did it. I don't think it ever caught on; perhaps it should be tried in Detroit?
Too bad Bush isn't strolling around.
Jack Denfeld
19:21 / 01.11.04
In some cities, wearing body armor is against the law.
19:47 / 01.11.04
Odd this thread should bounce, because I was thinking of it over the weekend.

Does Detroit still get "Hell Night"? If so, how was it this year?
Baz Auckland
23:07 / 01.11.04
You mean they didn't just make that up for The Crow?
Benny the Ball
23:12 / 01.11.04
apparently not, I heard a couple of Americans talking about it, and all the fires that are started, but then I stopped listening...
Lilly Nowhere Late
05:57 / 02.11.04
What could possilby be a justification for laws against wearing body armour? I know it's amerika, but can the law really dictate what people wear?
rizla mission
10:10 / 02.11.04
Presumably the logic is that people who aren't wearing 'bodyarmor' will be too scared for their own safety to go around instigating deadly gun battles for a bit of a laugh.

I offer no comment either way as to whether or not that makes any sense.
8===>Q: alyn
11:14 / 02.11.04
The comparison of a given city's violence with NYC's violence always sort of bums me out. A lot of film makers have come from NYC's more violent places and eras, so we have this reputation, but it hasn't been a particularly violent place in over ten years. I mean, sure, when I was in junior high I carried a knife with me everywhere, but by the time I graduated high school, the only place I ever saw any action was on the subways at night. Now, it's like friggin Disneyland out there.

Harlem, the Lower East Side, the South Bronx, East New York, and Crown Heights used to be among the worst neighborhoods in the country--Slim's ladyfriend would've been write in, say, 1991--but we hired Rudi Giuliani to clean up the streets and he did it using the same philosophy of law enforcement and social control he used to bust mafia dons: We know who the badguys are, let's not worry about justice, let's just get them off the streets. He enforced a lot of "quality of life" laws, using the police to harrass and bully the communities in question into quiescence, which I think bears some resemblance to the strategy of jailing known killers on tax beefs. I had friends at the time who were arrested for drinking beer on the stoop of their own building. This sort of thing happened mainly to brown-skinned people. In Canarsie and Bay Ridge, you could still walk around smoking a joint. Terrible deal for the black youth, but it worked*.

So, anyway, my recommendation to Detroit, Baltimore, New Orleans, New Haven, Los Angeles, and all the other American cities that are way more violent and dangerous than NYC, is to quit complaining and just throw everyone in jail. It works, dammit, and Kurt Vonnegut can go fish.

*It also helps when your local economy absorbs the first slice of the dotcom boom, with its new jobs, charity investments by 25-year-old millionaires, and sudden windfall in new property, income and lifestyle tax revenues. The law-n-order folks don't like to mention that half of the equation, especially these days.
Mourne Kransky
22:51 / 02.11.04
Seems they've taken to beating queers to death on the South bank this last weekend. Particularly poignant since the guy had been the bar manager at the Admiral Duncan when a neofascist blew it up five years ago. Still goin to brazen it out at the weekend but may stop wearing my crinoline in the wee small hours and may carry a large sex toy with which to beat off assailants.
Benny the Ball
23:14 / 02.11.04
Just make sure that if the police stop you, you don't tell them that it's a shotgun...
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
00:36 / 03.11.04
Does Detroit still get "Hell Night"? If so, how was it this year?

You mean they didn't just make that up for The Crow?

Nah, Devil's Night is real. People really do go out and burn stuff the night before Halloween. It got real bad in the eighties (for some reason, Detroit just has a thing for arson), and as a result Detroit now has thousands and thousands of burnt-out buildings waiting to be torn down.

These days, it's a lot more tame. There's a volunteer group that goes around on rollerblades with cellphones looking for people up to no good. These guys have even started calling Oct. 30th "Angel's Night". Lame, but bless them for trying.

They have managed to cut down on the amount of fires, though. People were just setting fire to the same abandoned houses each year (there are plenty to go around. We've even got lots of abandoned skyscrapers here), and with crowds of people on rollerblades patroling the streets, the cops can arrive too quickly for anyone to get a good fire going. Um...or so I've heard.
Bed Head
01:17 / 03.11.04
Blimey. Hell night. Whereas in this country we have ‘mischief night’. Mischief night = every bit as rubbish as it sounds.
02:18 / 03.11.04
That just reminds me of Bill Hicks' "Hooligans Vs The Crips" skit.
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