Staring at the phone, feeling unwanted and insecure
A ( cough ) friend of mine was in a similar situation recently, and it's not so much fun, so you have my sympathies. Mainly, while you're staring at the phone and feeling lousy, why not open a bottle of wine ?
Don't do that, and you should be okay.
Anyway, for what it's worth - I'm guessing this guy's quite a sociable character, ie has a number of qualities you don't see in yourself ( wrongly I think - going out on your own and then home with a stranger takes a certain amount of nihilism, possibly, but also courage, as well as social ability, charm, attractiveness, that kind of thing, ) and so seems to, er " represent " ( cod-psychology - it's never so good, ) something you possibly feel you need to hang onto.
But I'm pretty sure you don't.
Either way, what I'd suggest is that rather than say, telling him how you feel - people in relationships always advise this, and they really shouldn't - you just don't call him, wait for him to call you. He either will or he won't, but at least if he doesn't, you've still got your dignity. And if that seems a bit much, at least fill up your evenings, and if that means going out every night, well so be it - anything's better than being home on your own with the silent phone, and it's implicit criticisms.
Plus what everyone's said about friends, pretty clearly.
Good luck. |