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00:44 / 18.08.04
Does exactly what it says on the tin - and the tin's as existentially angstful as you want it to be.

I think it's useful, every now and again, to think about what one is doing, and why one is doing it - and interpret that anywhichway.

Career-wise, I'm doing okay; I'm a spit away from being a Consultant. As I've progressed through my medical career, I've been plagued by doubts, at pretty much every step of the way, that this is the thing for me. I still have those doubts, but I guess I've decided a) I make a pretty good psychiatrist, and b) self-doubt is one of the things that makes me a pretty good psychiatrist. The fact that I'm not a standard-issue, from-medical-stock, wanted-to-be-a-doctor-since-birth doctor isn't necessarily a bad thing - although, for years, I thought it was.

So... I'm doing what I'm doing, career-wise, because I think it's the best of a number of options - and, in London, I have a certain degree of flexibility to tailor it to my own specific interests.

Relationship-wise, I'm with Xoc because I love Xoc. Most constant thing in my life and, as someone who could never stand people and assumed I'd die alone, single biggest achievement. That's why I'm doing Xoc (so to speak).

There are other 'why's but those are the biggest ones for me. What are your 'why's? Explain them, please.
the cat's iao
02:44 / 18.08.04
Because I am.
02:54 / 18.08.04
the cat's iao
03:21 / 18.08.04
Zombie Elvis has left the building.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
04:24 / 18.08.04
Career wise, I am still the director of a group home, and while it places amazing demands on my time, it is rewarding in a way it's hard to explain to people. This week, at a resident's discharge meeting, the young man's parents thanked me for the work I had done with him, citing the change he had made. I had no idea how to react to that, so I talked about how I enjoied my time with him, and other stuff, but inside I was just saying, "Gawrsh...." like Goofy in the old Disney cartoons.

I have no relationship, but I think I am suffiently recovered from the bad ones I had to start this silly decade and am thinking of getting back out on the market again.

Home wise...well, my son moved back in with me, which is a good thingg, but the lack of privacy has reminded me that having lived alone for a long time, I might not ever want to live with someone again.
Kit-Cat Club
12:45 / 18.08.04
Why do I do what I do... a very good question...

Why have I just put my name down on the list to teach some American students when I am already so overloaded and panicking? Why did I say I'd do the paper I'm panicking about?? Argh... On top of two part-time jobs, and a research degree starting part-time in October...

Because I am trying to make some sort of career in academia, and feel that I need to take every opportunity that comes my way; and yet I need money to support myself whil I'm doing it...

Why am I trying to make some sort of career in academia? I can't think of anything else to do with myself... No, no, that's not right; because I enjoy research, and I enjoy thinking about things, and I enjoy the process of acquiring knowledge. I don't enjoy writing it up, but think that's a fairly common complaint.

I'm not sure whether I feel any better about it after that...
14:39 / 18.08.04
Trying to secure a future? Also because it's better then what I've been doing for the past year, it feels different even though I've spent years before doing it.
15:33 / 18.08.04
I do what I do because growth and change are the only ways that I will achieve any of the vast potential in my life. Because if I give up then the Bastards who had a pretty good go at fucking up my life forever will win.

I keep on keeping on because despite what fears and dread and self loathing are in my head and despite the horrible things that happened to me when I was small and not so small; I am a good, caring, talented and intelligent person who deserves some happiness and success. And also because I have some very lovely people in my life who deserve to have me being the best that I can be. (This is all so very difficult to write)

And finally I do what I do because I have met someone who loves me in a way that means I am very slowly but surely able to find a way to love and trust them back, and that is something I wasn't sure was possible.
15:40 / 18.08.04
I'm thesising this year so that I can finally get out of my tiny, sheltered, liberaller than thou liberal arts college into a museum studies program in San Francisco, which I will be doing so I can maybe have a museum job which might pay me enough to get me a doctorate in something ancient and dusty by the time I'm 32. Why do I want a doctorate in something ancient and dusty? Because I've always wanted to be the sort of person who knows everything obscure and nothing practical, and makes a living saying dryly witty things about obscurities to students who could care less and fortunately don't. (An author I admire defines "arcanologist" as someone whose profession or calling is studying secrets. I want to be that. In this world, though, I think we call that being a university professor. Or possibly a librarian, but it seems like everyone I know is becoming a librarian.) Besides, I have a vague, nonsexual fetish for tweed jackets with elbow patches.

I'm not working this year so I can thesis and take a full course load.

I'm in a relationship because I love my partner helplessly, and he loves me helplessly, although he identifies himself as straight which doesn't really fit with my gender identity. And we keep choosing each other over lack of each other, which means we seem to want to be together more than not. This despite the fact that eventually I'm going to have to change my body in ways he's not going to like. Perhaps that will be this year, perhaps that will not be until I move to SF and am in a grad program. Either way I'm going to lose him as a lover, although never as a friend.

As to why the gender stuff, because I can't not. No, wait. I could not, but I've tried that. I've tried being various permutations of girl, and it doesn't work, and I don't like it, and it doesn't make me happy. Now my only concern is what exactly is right for me to do about that. Which is a big concern. And now barbelith knows something about my genitals I had successfully avoided being explicit about for a year. w00+.

And I want to study classical fencing for the physical and mental exercise, and because, as already mentioned, I like the past. Possibly more than is healthy.

I breathe, eat, drink, and flee mortal peril in order to survive. I fuck, play, think, and seek out lesser risk in order to live. After that it's all insignificant detail.
17:26 / 18.08.04
kid: I did something silly and got pregnant and didn't feel that the alternative was right for me at that time. I don't regret my decision - it's got great rewards, my kid is really lovely, in a lot of ways, and I think I've done the best I could with the situation, she's turned out great. I love her, which is why I do it, and she has driven me to make my life a lot better. which leads me to the whole job thing.

job (office job, bookkeeper): I didn't work for the first 2 1/2 years because we felt it was better if she had a parent at home, and though we couldn't REALLY afford it, we made do. when it came time to work, I realized that I had no job skills and retail just wasn't cutting it. I've moved from job to job since, getting myself into an office job as it's the best way for someone with no discernable work skills and very little formal education to make a bit more cash. I've left each job for one with more money, increasing my abilities and trebling my wage - for some strange reason I cannot identify, people trust me with their money and no matter what I'm SUPPOSED to do at any given job, they always hand over the finances, so that bit is accidental.

love: I wasn't looking for anything serious, as I was still kinda fucked from my last relationship, even though I was long over the boy himself. I met someone who was fun and awesome in the sack, and somewhere along the way I saw much more valuable qualities that made me fall in love with him. purely accidental, kinda my MO it seems.

house: I grew up in the neighborhood, so I knew what to expect. it's close to my daughter's school, grandparents, friends. it's inexpensive but safe, quiet, attractive, roomy, altogether PLEASANT. I had offer of help attaining and I took it.

personality: I am an mess of a product of my upbringing and all of the experiences I've had since and I haven't learned as much as I sometimes hope I have.

I became a feminist when I was in elementary school and the teachers picked the boys I beat in arm wrestling to move things instead of me - obviously a mistake stemming from a serious inability to make decisions based on logic. I presumably became an atheist during the same time period, in private christian school, as I was being taught by these same silly folks that my parents, dope smoking pseudo-hippies living in sin, were going to burn forever in hell. along with pretty much every single human being I knew.

there are a million reasons I'm a lot of bad things, but when I try to write it down it seems like I'm blaming someone. let's just say my formative years were screwy, I've had some bad things happen since that make me skittish and weird, and I haven't fully grown up enough to ditch most of it yet, despite the house and kid and job that might make me seem a bit more like an adult. my life wasn't entirely terrible, and it isn't now, and I'm not, either. it's all just kinda middlin.
Benny the Ball
20:30 / 18.08.04
I'm a soundman. I boom mainly as this is my bread and butter, but would love to move up to recording/mixing. I did it as this is what I wanted to do. Now I do it because I want to be free of compound interest and free to be with the woman that I love totally and not just in my between jobs time.
20:44 / 18.08.04
I do what I do in the hope that soon I won't have to do it anymore. This isn't where I want to spend my life, but it's afforded me the opportunity to take stock and figure out where I do want to spend it...
02:18 / 19.08.04
Then: seemed like a good idea at the time, looked like a good in to more interesting work, didn't quite know what it involved, perhaps overly impressed with the "work hard play hard" corporate ethic after rejecting all those old hippies in the cyberpunk movement

Then + 3 years: sick of it all but theorising that a move of countries could result in something good, which would make up for the shite

Now: inertia, perverse bloody-mindedness and fear

But I'm moving soon. I haven't a clue what I'm going to do. Not the same thing though. It's not going to be worse.
03:24 / 19.08.04
I've choosen to spend my life looking for a way to stop the aging process.

There are several reasons for my choice. First, I enjoy existence, and have no interest in seeing it stop anytime during the next century. In addition, I think that death should be a voluntary choice for humans throughout the world. I dislike the fact that the lives of so many people are stopped by nature without their consent. So, I aspire to change nature.

Career: I love graduate school. I'm given enough of a stipend as a research assistant that I can put a little money in the savings account every month. After two years, a part of me is still astonished that I'm being paid to get a degree. My daily work consists of tossing genetically altered fruit flies from one vial to another and determining how many are still alive. This is rather unexciting by itself, but I've found a way to make it almost as enjoyable as my leisure time. No one cares how I schedule my work, as long as I'm productive and contribute to the lab. I choose when to arrive and leave, what breaks I take, and when they're taken. Occasionally, I feel like I'm spending too much time in my comfort zone, and not growing fast enough. Within a week of that feeling, something crazy happens and I end up spending the night at the lab working on some sort of project.

Relationships: Nonexistent. I'm not interested in children, since they consume too much time. In addition, I can achieve the positive feeling of contributing to another human through my work. A girlfriend or a wife would be nice, but I have a tendency to be rather picky and shy. So, it might never happen, which is alright.

Philosophy: I need more development in logic and epistemology. I was thinking about taking a few of the philosophy courses offered at the university, but I'm a little worried that I don't have the proper background for them. My sense of politics seems to be progressing nicely, but there are still a few inconsistencies I need to work out in my personal ethics.
Lilly Nowhere Late
06:15 / 19.08.04
Thjatsi: Will you please ring me the minute you work out how to slow/stop/reverse the ageing thing. Please! I'll find you a wife/girlfriend in exchange.
This thread is nice. I shant go into my whys and wherefores. But I like reading your's.
pointless and uncalled for
07:02 / 19.08.04
Work - I'm a temp because this is pretty much all I've ever done. I draw a certain comfort from living on my skills and reputation. I work in government because I have inherited my family's sense of social responsibility. Regardless of political leanings my family has always felt that we all have a responsibility to support the running of our country (if there were some real international mechanisms then this limit would not apply). I'm beginning to feel as if this responsibility is now discharged. I have spent a total of three years in civil service and during that time I have worked hard and made a number of developments that have improved the working of the offices that I have been employed in. I now contemplte a return to customer service oriented work because I genuinely enjoy helping people and making a useful contribution to other peoples lives.

Non-work - I follow my passions to the best of my abilities and enjoy them as much as I can. I do what I do because it's what I do, if you see what I mean. Other than that I endeavour to live by certain principles that afford me self respect.

My only sense of regret is that as far as my romantic life is concerned I have let myself become the kind of failure that I hate.
08:33 / 19.08.04
It's taken me many, many years to get to this point, but I can pretty honestly say that I now do what I do purely for satisfaction. I write because it pleases me to write, and whilst the sporadic instances of publication are great, they're not really very important.
I only ever work conventional jobs for short periods in order to build up enough money to travel outside of the first world, and my jack-of-all-trades lifestyle hasn't, so far, ever prevented me from doing anything I want to do.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
08:42 / 19.08.04
I stumbled into librarianship after realising that whatever skills I had, they were completely unsuited to anything else. Brought up as sheltered middle class rebellion for me only went as far as sexuality and the paddling pool depth of the ocean of gender, I needed to have a roof over my head to do it.

Now what's left of my youthful ideas of being a writer are slowly trickling away. Been having strange feelings recently of wanting to settle down and start a nice little nuclear family, probably caused by the fact that this is what my parents were doing when they were my age, hopefully it'll pass soon.

I do what I do because fear, cowardice and self-loathing stop me from attempting anything else. The plus side is that although I may be in a prison it's at least a comfortable one with cable TV.
Mourne Kransky
21:50 / 20.08.04
Why? Because I needed a job in London and it was a prom otion. But that was then. Now, two years in, it's easy to skive and I'm bluffing more than ever, pretending I know what I'm doing. I need to be back in the clinical world, making more of a difference to individuals, but could I hack that any more at my advanced age and with so many years of teaching others how to do it, instead of actually doing the job, under my belt? It would be so hard but it might be so rewarding too, like it was before. But I left it because the rewards were being lost amid the mountainous stress, so where does that leave me? I'll sort it out, in time. When I'm brave enough to take the plunge.

As for: why Ganesh? I was waiting for him in Soho Square a few days ago and was watching the hot shirts-off tottie foregather in the momentary sunshine. Then a man in a red striped shirt sauntered down the street towards us, head bowed as he walked along, reading a comic, and I thought "Mmmm, now him I could shag..." After 9 years, that's pretty good going.
Gypsy Lantern
22:20 / 20.08.04
I really don’t fucking know anymore.
23:21 / 20.08.04
Because I failed at almost everything I really wanted to do. In part because I get bored easily, in part because I satrted too late or too early, and just plain bad luck.

Some examples:
1)Kick ass swimmer at the age of 9 got exhausted because didn't understand what I could have acomplished. And becuase my father was always boasting about it and being cocky.

2)Law-school drop out. It was just too damn long, never really liked it. And as my mother always tells me "it was the only thing you had to do" and that's what she doesn't get. It really was the only thing I did.

3)Good to almost very good guitar player. Didn't have the discipline to sit for 8 hours a day to play the same notes over and over. Formed a band with my friend and lost the friendship and the will to play. Also I started listening musci at the age of 16. I started playing when I was 18. I already was close to 6 years behind everyone else I knew.

4)Self taught painter. I live in Mexico, no one buys art from unknown artists, most people prefer to buy lithograpies of famous paintings. There are not many good schools or are too expensive.

5)Writer. I keep writing, still in the never ending fight to get published in a country where we read an average of 1 book a year (some years back we only read half a book a year).

From 3, 4 and 5 I learned that being poor for doing what you love is the best way to hate what you once loved to do. And yourself in the process.

That's why now I'm working for the company that has the little centurion on their cards and has a blue logo. For three times the minimum wage that is not enough to buy a car even if I have been saving more than 3/4 of it for close to 2 years.

And don't get me started with my love life because it sucks even more.

I'm not discussing my magickal experiences because I come from a long line of fortune tellers, mexican white witches, and such and have been very succesful but as Peter Carroll once said, there is no money in magick unless you form a coven by declaring yourself an enlightened master.

And I'm waiting for 2012 (Maya), 2018(Aztec) since it didnt happen on 1999.

So basically I do what I do because I failed at who I tried to be, was broken by adversity and life, and have already given up...... God someday this will be a best-seller!!!
23:28 / 20.08.04
I can relate to some of that, Unicornius - except that, in my case, the stuff I was pushed into (Medicine) I didn't fail at outright but justabout passed, then continued to justabout pass throughout my Uni career - until, to my surprise, I found myself a doctor. Which still freaks me out slightly.
23:43 / 20.08.04
On the plus side, that means an accelerating number of people are reading books, or those that do are reading more...
02:31 / 21.08.04
Because in the end, no matter what I tell myself, I still feel like I'm better than 99.9% of the world's population. At least.
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