Fair enough point that the RAF roundel is very much a symbol of military action (which I find it a little crass to align with terrorism)
Hello? "Military action"? Against unarmed civilians? That is one thin fucking figleaf.
The R.A.F. represented almost none of the German people, yet they intended that their use of force should govern the future of that nation. They used violence against individuals not part of the government or military structure, and they deployed in peacetime. Yes, they asserted that they were a revolutionary elite (wake me when you're done) and that they were fighting a monolith of oppression. They compared themselves to guerillas in Latin America, fighting despots, without a choice in their tactics. I don't accept that. They engaged in the use of terror for political gain, and they did so in the most contemptible way; by attacking 'soft targets' - people of whose politics they disapproved.
From Build Up The Red Army:
7. What does it mean, to carry the conflicts too far? That means to not let yourselves be slaughtered. That's why we are building up the Red Army. Behind the parents stand the teachers, the Youth Authority, the police. Behind the foreman stands the master craftsman, the personnel office, the factory security force, the welfare service, the police. Behind the building superintendent stands the administrator, the landlord, the bailiff, the eviction notice, the police. What the pigs manage with censorship, dismissals, notices of termination, with the bailiff's seal for seized belongings and the nightstick, they do with those things. Of course, they grab for the service pistol, the tear gas, hand grenades and machine pistols. Of course they escalate the [means of oppression]weaponry, if they are otherwise bogged down ["...nicht weiterkommen" is a military term for an advance that is being held up]. Of course, the GI's in Vietnam were retrained in guerilla tactics, the Green Berets given a course in torture. So what? Of course, the execution of sentences for political [prisoners] is intensified. You have to make clear that that it is Social Democratic garbage to assert that imperialism, including all the [Kurt] Neubauers and [Gen. William] Westmorelands, Bonn, the [Berlin] Senate, the State Youth Office and the borough offices, that the whole filthy bunch would allow itself to be infiltrated, to be led around by the nose, to be overpowered, to be intimidated, to be abolished without a struggle. Make it clear that the Revolution will not be an Easter Parade, that the pigs will naturally escalate the means as far as they can, but also not further. In order to push the conflict as far as possible, we build up the Red Army. |