Hey guy...
*hug* for you.
First of all, I know how you feel. I used to feel this way myself, way back in the day. Well actually I was just sure that once I got a boyfriend everything else would sort itself, and people would finally "see" how attractive and desirable I really was. (Kind of like when I used to think if I only lost some weight, THEN everyone would see how beautiful and attractive and wonderful I really was, and then I´d get the ubiquitous boyfriend that would come with that, etc.)
But what I found out was, I was wrong. I got a boyfriend, and then I got a new boyfriend when the first one and I broke up, and what I found was, they actually made me feel MORE lonely and LESS attractive than I´d felt when I was on my own. Not to mention that the two of them both pretty much made me miserable, in many ways. Looking back, the main problem was that they just weren't right for me, but I stayed with at least one of them longer than I should have because I didn't want to be alone.
But I don't want you to think that I'm saying once you get a little wiser or whatever things will be different. Because there are no guarantees in life, and you are you and I am me.
Anyway, I will bet the piddling remainder of money in my bank account that right now there are not one but quite a few people out there who would (or all ready do) think that you are gorgeous and sexy and wonderful and absolutely want to be with you. Maybe you just have not met them yet. But what I find completely attractive turns off someone else, and there are some people whose trigger I trip and some who probably think I am completely unattractive. Different strokes for different folks, right?
Yes, some people are classically beautiful and better at picking up chicks or dudes than others, and they will likely get laid more often. So what? It doesn't mean they are better than you. It just means they have more skill in this particular area.
And that to me is actually a really wonderful thing. It´s kind of like nature's way of filtering out the people who aren't right for you and sending the people who are your way. Cool!
I guess my belief now is, and granted I've had a little more years to sort it out than you, is I am a pretty unique person, and any one I am with has to be pretty darn special themselves, or else it ain't worth it. YOU are worth somebody special, somebody who drives you crazy, somebody who makes your knees melt, somebody who blows your fucking mind in the sack, somebody who you can talk to all night long about bullocks. Etc.
Virtually everyone I know who has said, "I can´t get a girl/boyfriend, nobody would like me," etc. is now either married or in a serious relationship with someone who is perfect for them. Not everyone but many people I know. And hey, my older brother is getting married this summer to a woman who is wonderful and perfect for him. And if HE can find someone who will not only put up with him but actually wants to spend the rest of their life with him - the poor guy was notoriously unlucky in love until Kim came along - there is hope for everybody out there.
(He'd kill me for saying this, but I know my lil bro and I agree at least!)
Anyway I am not saying marriage is the ideal end result here but what I am saying is there are literally thousands of folks right now who would be perfect for you, and I would say odds are pretty good you will meet at least one of them in your life. They are out there, I know it.
This is the romantic in me. But this is also why I never say anything like "All men are assholes/The good ones are either married or gay/I wish my cat could be a man (yes I do actually know somebody who has said that)" because it so defeatist, and a self-fulfilling prophecy to boot.
At this stage of the game, I personally would rather be alone than be with someone just to be with someone, but that´s me.
If I were you, I would just ask a girl out or chat someone up and see what happens. What do you have to lose? Besides, dating is kinda like sales, the more rejection you get the less it bothers you. Seriously. And that means confidence, which everybody finds attractive. I personally think in some ways men have an easier time of it because I know for myself personality really is my key thing. A guy I find smart and funny and I can talk to will be more attractive to me than the classically cute guy in the corner who is an arrogant asshole.
Which is not to say I don´t find the boys I do date completely adorable (otherwise I wouldn't want to be with them!). In my mind it pretty much comes down to chemistry. You either have it with someone or you don´t. That's cool.
Wow, can you tell I've spent a lot of time in my life thinking about this?
Anyway, the point is, I am sure that you are a hottie and plenty of girls would agree with me.

[ 25-02-2002: Message edited by: Cherry Bomb ] |