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O'Reilly vs Krugman

wembley can change in 28 days
07:30 / 12.08.04
Or FOX vs NYT. Or Rupert Murdoch vs Gilliam. I heart the Internet:

The Clip, QuickTime 56k
The Clip, QuickTime 200k
Nobody's girl
12:42 / 12.08.04
Why has no-one punched Bill O'Reilly out yet? The paitence of his poor panel members and interviewee's always astonishes me.
Every time I see him "debate" I want to teach him some basic manners as he obviously missed that part of his socialisation. Tosser.
16:03 / 12.08.04
Having watched Outfoxed recently I would assume his panel guests are either stooges or have never been on TV before.
18:53 / 12.08.04
The joy of O'Reilly comes from watching him in some setting other than his own show. He typically begins with an attempt to seem like he's just a reasonable guy, but it's just a matter of time until he completely loses his shit and starts screaming at people to shut up. It's as inevitable as the sunrise.
20:47 / 12.08.04
I have the site they mention near the end - MediaMatters - on my RSS feeds, and, well, if you ever wanted fully-sourced ammunition against FOX and O'Reilly (amongst others) that's the place to go. Sometimes I think they get a little hysterical but they often drag up great stuff. They were one of the sites who publicised the fact that Corsi, one of the co-authors of the book attacking Kerry's war record, was a nastily racist freeper, which he's now apologised for in the major media ("it was all a joke" about Muslims being boy-buggerers and woman-beaters).

But really, if I meet anyone who tries to tell me that FOX News really *is* fair and balanced, I just laugh and immediately cross them off my "intelligent people worth talking to" list.
wembley can change in 28 days
09:33 / 13.08.04
The scary thing about O'Reilly is that I can think of kids I knew in high school (the card-carrying members of the youth conservative party alliance... one of whom I dated and converted to pinko-socialist) who would be so entertained by his style that they'd support the guy's show.

It's like the issues matter way less than the "go team!" attitude. Which makes me want to punch people.
14:14 / 13.08.04
The tabloid soul, wembley.
19:18 / 28.08.04
Good lord, Russert is about the lamest excuse for a moderator I've ever seen. O'Reilly walked all over him...
04:47 / 29.08.04
Good lord, Russert is about the lamest excuse for a moderator I've ever seen. O'Reilly walked all over him...

i think it says everything about the state of the timid US press that Tim Russert has something of a reputation as a hardcore pit bull of a reporter. if he's what passes for a hard-hitting political reporter, we're all fucked.
wembley can change in 28 days
09:54 / 02.09.04
Even Garrison Keillor was on the O'Reilly Factor a few weeks ago. I found a transcript, just scroll down a bit.
Nobody's girl
11:22 / 02.09.04
Awww, bless. So the way to disarm O'Reilly is to be terribly nice.
flufeemunk effluvia
23:09 / 02.09.04
I read that, and it was beautiful. I have always rather liked Garrison Keilor, mainly for his frankness.
14:30 / 03.09.04
is o'reilly the guy who takes a relatively complex political issue and goes 'was so and so RIGHT or WRONG for doing so and so?', and the panel do their best to have a reasonable chat with this guy blowharding in every now and again, and at the end he just goes 'actually you're all mistaken, he was one-hundred percent RIGHT!'

'oh, okay, only i thought the question was kind of rhetorical.'

we don't get him much over here, but i've seen him on cnbc or other back when i was addicted to cable - he's a beaut.
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