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Damage Deposits

23:50 / 11.08.04
Had a wedding two weeks ago, rented a joint for 1000 bucks (3 days). $500 damage deposit right. So we cleaned our asses off the last day (about 12 of us). A very satisfactory job too I might add. So now I find out that because someone left a bucket of dirty water in the kitchen, a couple of hallways needed to be swept, and out behind the place somebody smashed some light bulbs from somewhere (not from the building we rented), but the point is the owners had to clean it up. Is this worth $250.00? I don't think I have ever got a damage deposit back, and man..I am clean dudes,clean.
00:33 / 12.08.04
Nope, not a one.
Tryphena Absent
00:35 / 12.08.04
I got the damage deposit from my student house back. I don't know if that's easier or harder.
Lord Morgue
09:42 / 12.08.04
You gotta get the dirty unclefuckers to co-sign a statement describing the state of the place and any existing damage when you move in, so they don't try pinning it on you. And don't let them charge you a thousand for mowing the fucking lawn, either.
Jack Vincennes
09:46 / 12.08.04
Or, you decide that your damage deposit (since you know that you are leaving the place exactly as you found it) is your last month's rent. This only works if you are prepared to be kicked out halfway through your last month but it means there's no way for them to withhold what's rightfully yours...
pointless and uncalled for
10:23 / 12.08.04
Sadly your a tad fuckered now but all is not lost. $250 seems quite large for the cleaning bill. Tell them that you'll accept the bill only if it is itemised for each cleaning action and any resources used.

If they fail to provide this or you don't like the itemisation then you can challenge this through a small claims mechanism whcih should be free. There's no guarantee that you'll win but at least you can have the satisfaction of knowing that you've cost them more than they've cost you.

If the cleaning was outsourced then you have a right to the receipts as you are paying for the work. the best thing to do is to make an personal visit, it cuts down the wet ink.
12:52 / 12.08.04
The problem with letting the landlord keep the last month's rent as deposit is they can keep the deposit and still dun you for the rent. Criteria for returning deposits are vague (unless you both signed an agreement on the starting condition of the flat), while rent is more firmly fixed.

Likewise for rental cars. The last time I rented a van, I lost 200 euros when, while I was parked in Calais, a high wind yanked the door out of my hands and bent it back enough to slightly dent the middle panel. I should have stove it in and gotten my money's worth.

If you know you're gonna get screwed and can't legally do anything about it, try for long-term revenge, like lutefisk sealed in candle wax and placed in a wall cache.

I've batted about .500 on getting deposits returned on flats, but no, I've not tried the above.
pointless and uncalled for
13:03 / 12.08.04
Never failed to get a deposit back on a flat.

I must be lucky.
13:07 / 12.08.04
Or moved out before everyone else...
16:08 / 12.08.04
with flats, its an unspoken contest for who screws who first. landlords are fair game, and there's nothing like a good moonlight flit now and then, it keeps the circulation youthful. last month's rent unpaid and all the outstanding utility bills thrown in, that's the order of the day. and don't forget to help yourself to some furniture on your way out.
Lord Morgue
06:50 / 13.08.04
And pack prawns in the curtain rods.
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